TM 5-2420-231-23-1
Table 1. Right Stabilizer Does Not Operate Correctly - Continued.
Right Stabilizer Does Not
continuity between pilot control
wiring harness (WP 0187).
Operate Correctly -
wiring harness connector (WP
Proceed to Test Step 16.
0007, Figure 171) terminals B and
C. There should be no continuity.
Test Step 9. Test for Open Pilot
Control Wiring Harness.
1. Install a jumper between pilot con-
trol wiring harness connector (WP
0007, Figure 171) terminals B and
2. Using a digital multimeter, mea-
sure resistance between pilot con-
Replace right-hand stabilizer control
trol wiring harness connector
switch (WP 0190).
Remove jumper from pilot control wiring
10 and 2. Resistance should be
5.0 ohms or less.
171) terminals B and C.
Connect all wiring harness connectors.
Proceed to Test Step 16.
Replace pilot controls wiring harness
(WP 0187).
Proceed to Test Step 16.
Test Step 10. Test for a Short Pilot
Control Wiring Harness to Voltage.
1. Turn ignition switch to the off posi-
tion (TM 5-2420-231-10) and dis-
connect batteries (WP 0157).
2. Disconnect pilot control wiring har-
160) from pilot control controller.
3. Remove stabilizer control switches
(WP 0190).
continuity between pilot control
wiring harness (WP 0187).
wiring harness connector (WP
Proceed to Test Step 16.
0007, Figure 171) terminals A and
No Continuity - Replace right-hand
B. There should be no continuity.
stabilizer control switch (WP 0190).
Proceed to Test Step 16.
Test Step 11. Check for Right-Hand
Stabilizer Switch in the Neutral
1. Turn ignition switch to the off posi-
tion (TM 5-2420-231-10) and dis-
connect batteries (WP 0157).