REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LIST (RPSTL) INTRODUCTIONEXPLANATION OF COLUMNS IN THE REPAIR PARTS LIST AND SPECIAL TOOLS LIST WORK PACKAGESMaintenance CodeRecoverability CodeEXPLANATION OF CROSS-REFERENCE INDEXES WORK PACKAGES FORMAT AND COLUMNSHOW TO LOCATE REPAIR PARTSINDUSTRIAL WHEELED TRACTOR BACKHOE LOADER RADIATOR MOUNTINGFigure 1. Radiator Mounting.Figure 1. Radiator Mounting. - ContinuedDEAERATION SYSTEM MOUNTINGFigure 2. Deaeration System Mounting.Figure 2. Deaeration System Mounting. - ContinuedRADIATOR ASSEMBLY (WITH A/C)Figure 3. Radiator Assembly (with A/C).Figure 3. Radiator Assembly (with A/C). - ContinuedAIR CLEANER AND AIR INTAKE PARTSFigure 4. Air Cleaner and Air Intake Parts.Figure 4. Air Cleaner and Air Intake Parts. - ContinuedAIR CLEANERFigure 5. Air Cleaner.Figure 5. Air Cleaner. - ContinuedMUFFLER, ASPIRATED EXHAUST SYSTEMFigure 6. Muffler, Aspirated Exhaust System.Figure 6. Muffler, Aspirated Exhaust System. - ContinuedENGINE ASSEMBLY AND MOUNTINGFigure 7. Engine Assembly and Mounting.Figure 7. Engine Assembly and Mounting. - ContinuedCYLINDER BLOCKFigure 8. Cylinder Block.Figure 8. Cylinder Block. - ContinuedOIL PUMP, PANFigure 9. Oil Pump, Pan.Figure 9. Oil Pump, Pan. - ContinuedCYLINDER BLOCK COVERSFigure 10. Cylinder Block Covers.Figure 10. Cylinder Block Covers. - ContinuedENGINE BREATHERFigure 11. Engine Breather.Figure 11. Engine Breather. - ContinuedCYLINDER HEADFigure 12. Cylinder Head.Figure 12. Cylinder Head. - ContinuedCYLINDER HEAD COVERSFigure 13. Cylinder Head Covers.Figure 13. Cylinder Head Covers. - ContinuedCYLINDER HEAD VALVE MECHANISMFigure 14. Cylinder Head Valve Mechanism.Figure 14. Cylinder Head Valve Mechanism. - ContinuedINTAKE MANIFOLDFigure 15. Intake Manifold.Figure 15. Intake Manifold. - ContinuedEXHAUST MANIFOLDFigure 16. Exhaust Manifold.Figure 16. Exhaust Manifold. - ContinuedFLYWHEELFigure 17. Flywheel.Figure 17. Flywheel. - ContinuedCRANKSHAFT AND PULLEYFigure 18. Crankshaft and Pulley.Figure 18. Crankshaft and Pulley. - ContinuedDYNAMIC BALANCER, GEARS AND SHAFTSFigure 19. Dynamic Balancer, Gears and Shafts.Figure 19. Dynamic Balancer, Gears and Shafts. - ContinuedCAMSHAFTFigure 20. Camshaft.Figure 20. Camshaft. - ContinuedTURBOCHARGERFigure 21. Turbocharger.Figure 21. Turbocharger. - ContinuedENGINE, LUBRICANTFigure 22. Engine, Lubricant.Figure 22. Engine, Lubricant. - ContinuedENGINE OIL PIPINGFigure 23. Engine Oil Piping.Figure 23. Engine Oil Piping. - ContinuedOIL FILTER AND COOLERFigure 24. Oil Filter and Cooler.Figure 24. Oil Filter and Cooler. - ContinuedWATER PUMP AND SUPPORT ASSEMBLYFigure 25. Water Pump and Support Assembly.Figure 25. Water Pump and Support Assembly. - ContinuedTHERMOSTATFigure 26. Thermostat.Figure 26. Thermostat. - ContinuedWATER PUMP CONTROLFigure 27. Water Pump Control.Figure 27. Water Pump Control. - ContinuedFAN DRIVEFigure 28. Fan Drive.Figure 28. Fan Drive. - ContinuedFUEL LINES, RESERVOIR FILTER AND FUEL IN LINEFigure 29. Fuel Lines, Reservoir Filter and Fuel In Line.Figure 29. Fuel Lines, Reservoir Filter and Fuel In Line. - ContinuedFigure 29. Fuel Lines, Reservoir Filter and Fuel In Line. - ContinuedHAND THROTTLE CONTROLFigure 30. Hand Throttle Control.Figure 30. Hand Throttle Control. - ContinuedFOOT THROTTLE CONTROLFigure 31. Foot Throttle Control.Figure 31. Foot Throttle Control. - ContinuedFigure 31. Foot Throttle Control. - ContinuedFUEL INJECTION PUMPFigure 32. Fuel Injection Pump.Figure 32. Fuel Injection Pump. - ContinuedFUEL INJECTION SYSTEMFigure 33. Fuel Injection System.Figure 33. Fuel Injection System. - ContinuedFUEL INJECTION PUMP LINES AND INJECTORSFigure 34. Fuel Injection Pump Lines and Injectors.Figure 34. Fuel Injection Pump Lines and Injectors. - ContinuedFUEL FILTERFigure 35. Fuel Filter.Figure 35. Fuel Filter. - ContinuedFUEL PUMPFigure 36. Fuel Pump.Figure 36. Fuel Pump. - ContinuedFUEL FILTER LINESFigure 37. Fuel Filter Lines.Figure 37. Fuel Filter Lines. - ContinuedSTARTERFigure 38. Starter.Figure 38. Starter. - ContinuedALTERNATOR AND MOUNTINGFigure 39. Alternator and Mounting.Figure 39. Alternator and Mounting. - ContinuedMAIN CHASSIS HARNESS AND MOUNTINGFigure 40. Main Chassis Harness and Mounting.Figure 40. Main Chassis Harness and Mounting. - ContinuedBATTERIES AND DUAL COLD STARTFigure 41. Batteries and Dual Cold Start.Figure 41. Batteries and Dual Cold Start. - ContinuedGRID HEATER CABLE AND MOUNTING ASSEMBLYFigure 42. Grid Heater Cable and Mounting Assembly.Figure 42. Grid Heater Cable and Mounting Assembly. - ContinuedFigure 42. Grid Heater Cable and Mounting Assembly. - ContinuedFRONT CONSOLE SWITCHES, HARNESS, AND RELAYFigure 43. Front Console Switches, Harness, and Relay.Figure 43. Front Console Switches, Harness, and Relay. - ContinuedHARNESS, FRONT CONSOLE MOUNTINGFigure 44. Harness, Front Console Mounting.Figure 44. Harness, Front Console Mounting. - ContinuedTRANSMISSION, POWERSHIFTFigure 45. Transmission, Powershift.Figure 45. Transmission, Powershift. - ContinuedHARNESS, SIDE CONSOLE SWITCHESFigure 46. Harness, Side Console Switches.Figure 46. Harness, Side Console Switches. - ContinuedINSTRUMENT PANEL FRONT COVERSFigure 47. Instrument Panel Front Covers.Figure 47. Instrument Panel Front Covers. - ContinuedINSTRUMENT PANEL SIDE COVERSFigure 48. Instrument Panel Side Covers.Figure 48. Instrument Panel Side Covers. - ContinuedFigure 48. Instrument Panel Side Covers. - ContinuedINSTRUMENT CLUSTERFigure 49. Instrument Cluster.Figure 49. Instrument Cluster. - ContinuedCAB LAMPS AND HARNESSFigure 50. Cab Lamps and Harness.Figure 50. Cab Lamps and Harness. - ContinuedHORN AND BACKUP ALARMFigure 51. Horn and Backup Alarm.Figure 51. Horn and Backup Alarm. - ContinuedBACKHOE AUXILIARY HYDRAULIC AND UNI-DIRECTIONALFigure 52. Backhoe Auxiliary Hydraulic and Uni-Directional.Figure 52. Backhoe Auxiliary Hydraulic and Uni-Directional. - ContinuedBACKHOE AUXILIARY HYDRAULIC WITH PILOT CONTROLSFigure 53. Backhoe Auxiliary Hydraulic with Pilot Controls.Figure 53. Backhoe Auxiliary Hydraulic with Pilot Controls. - ContinuedREAR BLACKOUT LIGHT INSTALLATIONFigure 54. Rear Blackout Light Installation.Figure 54. Rear Blackout Light Installation. - ContinuedFRONT BLACKOUT LIGHT INSTALLATIONFigure 55. Front Blackout Light Installation.Figure 55. Front Blackout Light Installation. - ContinuedBATTERY EQUALIZERFigure 56. Battery Equalizer.Figure 56. Battery Equalizer. - ContinuedSLAVE RECEPTACLEFigure 57. Slave Receptacle.Figure 57. Slave Receptacle. - ContinuedSTEERING WHEEL AND COLUMNFigure 58. Steering Wheel and Column.Figure 58. Steering Wheel and Column. - ContinuedSTEERING HYDRAULICSFigure 59. Steering Hydraulics.Figure 59. Steering Hydraulics. - ContinuedFRONT TIRE AND WHEELSFigure 60. Front Tire and Wheels.Figure 60. Front Tire and Wheels. - ContinuedFigure 61. Axle, Front Drive and Mounting. (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 61. Axle, Front Drive and Mounting. (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 61. Axle, Front Drive and Mounting. - ContinuedFigure 61. Axle, Front Drive and Mounting. - ContinuedFigure 62. Axle, Front Drive and Housing. (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 62. Axle, Front Drive and Housing. (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 62. Axle, Front Drive and Housing. - ContinuedFigure 62. Axle, Front Drive and Housing. - ContinuedAXLE, FRONT DRIVE HOUSING SWIVELFigure 63. Axle, Front Drive Housing Swivel.Figure 63. Axle, Front Drive Housing Swivel. - ContinuedAXLE, FRONT DRIVE CYLINDER, STEERINGFigure 64. Axle, Front Drive Cylinder, Steering.Figure 64. Axle, Front Drive Cylinder, Steering. - ContinuedAXLE, FRONT DRIVE SHAFTS, AXLE'Unknown' by Unknown - Page 276 of 756Figure 65. Axle, Front Drive Shafts, Axle. - ContinuedDRIVE SHAFT, FRONT AXLEFigure 66. Drive Shaft, Front Axle.Figure 66. Drive Shaft, Front Axle. - ContinuedCOOLING SYSTEM, TRANSMISSIONFigure 67. Cooling System, Transmission.Figure 67. Cooling System, Transmission. - ContinuedTRANSMISSION MOUNTINGFigure 68. Transmission Mounting.Figure 68. Transmission Mounting. - ContinuedFigure 68. Transmission Mounting. - ContinuedTRANSMISSION ASSEMBLY, POWERSHIFT CLUTCH, SECOND GEARFigure 69. Transmission Assembly, Powershift Clutch, Second Gear.Figure 69. Transmission Assembly, Powershift Clutch, Second Gear. - ContinuedFigure 69. Transmission Assembly, Powershift Clutch, Second Gear. - ContinuedTRANSMISSION ASSEMBLY, POWERSHIFT CLUTCH, OUTPUT SHAFTFigure 70. Transmission Assembly, Powershift Clutch, Output Shaft.Figure 70. Transmission Assembly, Powershift Clutch, Output Shaft. - ContinuedFigure 70. Transmission Assembly, Powershift Clutch, Output Shaft. - ContinuedTRANSMISSION ASSEMBLY, POWERSHIFT MOUNTING VALVEFigure 71. Transmission Assembly, Powershift Mounting Valve.Figure 71. Transmission Assembly, Powershift Mounting Valve. - ContinuedWHEELS, REAR TIRESFigure 72. Wheels, Rear Tires.Figure 72. Wheels, Rear Tires. - ContinuedAXLE, REAR DRIVE, MOUNTINGFigure 73. Axle, Rear Drive, Mounting.Figure 73. Axle, Rear Drive, Mounting. - ContinuedAXLE REAR DIFFERENTIAL LOCKFigure 74. Axle Rear Differential Lock.Figure 74. Axle Rear Differential Lock. - ContinuedAXLE REAR DRIVE HOUSINGFigure 75. Axle Rear Drive Housing. (Sheet 1 of 3)Figure 75. Axle Rear Drive Housing. (Sheet 2 of 3)Figure 75. Axle Rear Drive Housing. (Sheet 3 of 3)Figure 75. Axle Rear Drive Housing. - ContinuedFigure 75. Axle Rear Drive Housing. - ContinuedFigure 75. Axle Rear Drive Housing. - ContinuedAXLE REAR DRIVE DIFFERENTIAL LOCKFigure 76. Axle Rear Drive Differential Lock.Figure 76. Axle Rear Drive Differential Lock. - ContinuedDRIVE SHAFT, REAR AXLEFigure 77. Drive Shaft, Rear Axle.Figure 77. Drive Shaft, Rear Axle. - ContinuedAXLE, REAR DRIVE BRAKE, DIFFERENTIALFigure 78. Axle, Rear Drive Brake, Differential.Figure 78. Axle, Rear Drive Brake, Differential. - ContinuedAXLE, REAR DRIVE BRAKE, PARKINGFigure 79. Axle, Rear Drive Brake, Parking.Figure 79. Axle, Rear Drive Brake, Parking. - ContinuedBRAKE PEDALSFigure 80. Brake Pedals.Figure 80. Brake Pedals. - ContinuedFigure 80. Brake Pedals. - ContinuedHYDRAULICS - BRAKE MASTER CYLINDERFigure 81. Hydraulics - Brake Master Cylinder.Figure 81. Hydraulics - Brake Master Cylinder. - ContinuedCONTROLS, BRAKE, PARKINGFigure 82. Controls, Brake, Parking.Figure 82. Controls, Brake, Parking. - ContinuedFigure 83. Hydraulics - Pump, Filter and Loader Valve. (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 83. Hydraulics - Pump, Filter and Loader Valve. (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 83. Hydraulics - Pump, Filter and Loader Valve. - ContinuedFigure 83. Hydraulics - Pump, Filter and Loader Valve. - ContinuedHYDRAULICS - LOADER VALVE AND FILTER TO BACKHOE VALVEFigure 84. Hydraulics - Loader Valve and Filter to Backhoe Valve.Figure 84. Hydraulics - Loader Valve and Filter to Backhoe Valve. - ContinuedHYDRAULICS - COOLER, RETURN LINES AND FILTERFigure 85. Hydraulics - Cooler, Return Lines and Filter.Figure 85. Hydraulics - Cooler, Return Lines and Filter. - ContinuedHYDRAULICS - CYLINDER, LOADER LIFTFigure 86. Hydraulics - Cylinder, Loader Lift.Figure 86. Hydraulics - Cylinder, Loader Lift. - ContinuedHYDRAULICS - CYLINDER, LOADER BUCKETFigure 87. Hydraulics - Cylinder, Loader Bucket.Figure 87. Hydraulics - Cylinder, Loader Bucket. - ContinuedHYDRAULICS - CYLINDER, LOADER CLAMFigure 88. Hydraulics - Cylinder, Loader Clam.Figure 88. Hydraulics - Cylinder, Loader Clam. - ContinuedHYDRAULICS - CYLINDER, LOADER CLAMFigure 89. Hydraulics - Cylinder, Loader Clam.Figure 89. Hydraulics - Cylinder, Loader Clam. - ContinuedHYDRAULICS - CYLINDER, BACKHOE STABILIZERFigure 90. Hydraulics - Cylinder, Backhoe Stabilizer.Figure 90. Hydraulics - Cylinder, Backhoe Stabilizer. - ContinuedFigure 90. Hydraulics - Cylinder, Backhoe Stabilizer. - ContinuedHYDRAULICS - CYLINDER, BACKHOE SWINGFigure 91. Hydraulics - Cylinder, Backhoe Swing.Figure 91. Hydraulics - Cylinder, Backhoe Swing. - ContinuedHYDRAULICS - CYLINDER, BACKHOE BOOMFigure 92. Hydraulics - Cylinder, Backhoe Boom.Figure 92. Hydraulics - Cylinder, Backhoe Boom. - ContinuedOIL COOLER GROUP HYDRAULICS - CYLINDER, BACKHOE DIPPERFigure 93. Oil Cooler Group Hydraulics - Cylinder, Backhoe Dipper.Figure 93. Oil Cooler Group Hydraulics - Cylinder, Backhoe Dipper. - ContinuedHYDRAULICS - CYLINDER, BACKHOE BUCKETFigure 94. Hydraulics - Cylinder, Backhoe Bucket.Figure 94. Hydraulics - Cylinder, Backhoe Bucket. - ContinuedHYDRAULICS - PILOT CONTROL JOYSTICKSFigure 95. Hydraulics - Pilot Control Joysticks.Figure 95. Hydraulics - Pilot Control Joysticks. - ContinuedHYDRAULICS - PILOT CONTROLSFigure 96. Hydraulics - Pilot Controls.Figure 96. Hydraulics - Pilot Controls. - ContinuedFigure 96. Hydraulics - Pilot Controls. - ContinuedHYDRAULICS - BACKHOE AUXILIARYFigure 97. Hydraulics - Backhoe Auxiliary.Figure 97. Hydraulics - Backhoe Auxiliary. - ContinuedFigure 97. Hydraulics - Backhoe Auxiliary. - ContinuedHYDRAULICS - BACKHOE AUXILIARYFigure 98. Hydraulics - Backhoe Auxiliary.Figure 98. Hydraulics - Backhoe Auxiliary. - ContinuedFigure 98. Hydraulics - Backhoe Auxiliary. - ContinuedHYDRAULICS - RIDE CONTROLFigure 99. Hydraulics - Ride Control.Figure 99. Hydraulics - Ride Control. - ContinuedHYDRAULICS - COUPLER, LOADER TOOL QUICKFigure 100. Hydraulics - Coupler, Loader Tool Quick.Figure 100. Hydraulics - Coupler, Loader Tool Quick. - ContinuedHYDRAULICS - COUPLER, LOADER TOOL QUICKFigure 101. Hydraulics - Coupler, Loader Tool Quick.Figure 101. Hydraulics - Coupler, Loader Tool Quick. - ContinuedHYDRAULICS - COUPLER, BACKHOE BUCKETFigure 102. Hydraulics - Coupler, Backhoe Bucket.Figure 102. Hydraulics - Coupler, Backhoe Bucket. - ContinuedHYDRAULICS - COUPLER, BACKHOE BUCKETFigure 103. Hydraulics - Coupler, Backhoe Bucket.Figure 103. Hydraulics - Coupler, Backhoe Bucket. - ContinuedFigure 103. Hydraulics - Coupler, Backhoe Bucket. - ContinuedVALVE, COUPLER, LOADER TOOL AND BACKHOE BUCKETFigure 104. Valve, Coupler, Loader Tool and Backhoe Bucket.Figure 104. Valve, Coupler, Loader Tool and Backhoe Bucket. - ContinuedCYLINDER - COUPLER BACKHOE BUCKETFigure 105. Cylinder - Coupler Backhoe Bucket.Figure 105. Cylinder - Coupler Backhoe Bucket. - ContinuedVALVE ASSEMBLY - LOADER CONTROL, THREE SPOOLFigure 106. Valve Assembly - Loader Control, Three Spool.Figure 106. Valve Assembly - Loader Control, Three Spool. - ContinuedVALVE ASSEMBLY - BACKHOE CONTROL, 7 SPOOLFigure 107. Valve Assembly - Backhoe Control, 7 Spool.Figure 107. Valve Assembly - Backhoe Control, 7 Spool. - ContinuedVALVE ASSEMBLY, PRESSURE REDUCINGFigure 108. Valve Assembly, Pressure Reducing.Figure 108. Valve Assembly, Pressure Reducing. - ContinuedVALVE, JOYSTICK (LEFT-HAND PILOT CONTROL) WITH HORN AND BI-DIRECTIONAL BUTTONSFigure 109. Valve, Joystick (Left-hand Pilot Control) with Horn and Bi-Directional Buttons.Figure 109. Valve, Joystick (Left-hand Pilot Control) with Horn and Bi-Directional Buttons. - ContinuedVALVE, JOYSTICK (RIGHT-HAND PILOT CONTROL)Figure 110. Valve, Joystick (Right-hand Pilot Control).Figure 110. Valve, Joystick (Right-hand Pilot Control). - ContinuedACCUMULATOR ASSEMBLYFigure 111. Accumulator Assembly.Figure 111. Accumulator Assembly. - ContinuedFILTER ASSEMBLY, OILFigure 112. Filter Assembly, Oil.Figure 112. Filter Assembly, Oil. - ContinuedCYLINDER ASSEMBLY, LOADER LIFTFigure 113. Cylinder Assembly, Loader Lift.Figure 113. Cylinder Assembly, Loader Lift. - ContinuedCYLINDER ASSEMBLY, LOADER BUCKETFigure 114. Cylinder Assembly, Loader Bucket.Figure 114. Cylinder Assembly, Loader Bucket. - ContinuedCYLINDER ASSEMBLY, LOADER CLAMFigure 115. Cylinder Assembly, Loader Clam.Figure 115. Cylinder Assembly, Loader Clam. - ContinuedCYLINDER ASSEMBLY, BACKHOE STABILIZERFigure 116. Cylinder Assembly, Backhoe Stabilizer.Figure 116. Cylinder Assembly, Backhoe Stabilizer. - ContinuedCYLINDER ASSEMBLY, BACKHOE SWINGFigure 117. Cylinder Assembly, Backhoe Swing.Figure 117. Cylinder Assembly, Backhoe Swing. - ContinuedCYLINDER ASSEMBLY, BACKHOE BOOMFigure 118. Cylinder Assembly, Backhoe Boom.Figure 118. Cylinder Assembly, Backhoe Boom. - ContinuedCYLINDER ASSEMBLY, BACKHOE DIPPERFigure 119. Cylinder Assembly, Backhoe Dipper.Figure 119. Cylinder Assembly, Backhoe Dipper. - ContinuedCYLINDER ASSEMBLY, BACKHOE BUCKETFigure 120. Cylinder Assembly, Backhoe Bucket.Figure 120. Cylinder Assembly, Backhoe Bucket. - ContinuedCONTROLS, LOADER LIFT BUCKET AND CLAMFigure 121. Controls, Loader Lift Bucket and Clam.Figure 121. Controls, Loader Lift Bucket and Clam. - ContinuedFigure 121. Controls, Loader Lift Bucket and Clam. - ContinuedCONTROLS, LOADER SELF-LEVELINGFigure 122. Controls, Loader Self-Leveling.Figure 122. Controls, Loader Self-Leveling. - ContinuedFRAME, LOADER LIFTFigure 123. Frame, Loader Lift.Figure 123. Frame, Loader Lift. - ContinuedFigure 123. Frame, Loader Lift. - ContinuedFRAME, LOADER LINKAGEFigure 124. Frame, Loader Linkage.Figure 124. Frame, Loader Linkage. - ContinuedBUCKET, LOADER CLAMFigure 125. Bucket, Loader Clam.Figure 125. Bucket, Loader Clam. - ContinuedFigure 125. Bucket, Loader Clam. - ContinuedGUARD, VALVE, LOADERFigure 126. Guard, Valve, Loader.Figure 126. Guard, Valve, Loader. - ContinuedCOUPLER, TOOL QUICKFigure 127. Coupler, Tool Quick.Figure 127. Coupler, Tool Quick. - ContinuedFigure 127. Coupler, Tool Quick. - ContinuedBACKHOE CONTROL TOWER WITH PILOT CONTROLSFigure 128. Backhoe Control Tower with Pilot Controls.Figure 128. Backhoe Control Tower with Pilot Controls. - ContinuedFigure 128. Backhoe Control Tower with Pilot Controls. - ContinuedBACKHOE CONTROL TOWER BOOTS AND SEALSFigure 129. Backhoe Control Tower Boots and Seals.Figure 129. Backhoe Control Tower Boots and Seals. - ContinuedBACKHOE CONTROL TOWER (BOOM LATCH)Figure 130. Backhoe Control Tower (Boom Latch).Figure 130. Backhoe Control Tower (Boom Latch). - ContinuedBACKHOE - STABILIZER, PLATES AND PADSFigure 131. Backhoe - Stabilizer, Plates and Pads.Figure 131. Backhoe - Stabilizer, Plates and Pads. - ContinuedBACKHOE - SWING TOWERFigure 132. Backhoe - Swing Tower.Figure 132. Backhoe - Swing Tower. - ContinuedFigure 132. Backhoe - Swing Tower. - ContinuedBACKHOE - BOOMFigure 133. Backhoe - Boom.Figure 133. Backhoe - Boom. - ContinuedFigure 133. Backhoe - Boom. - ContinuedBOOM LATCHFigure 134. Boom Latch.Figure 134. Boom Latch. - ContinuedFigure 134. Boom Latch. - ContinuedBACKHOE - DIPPER AND BUCKETFigure 135. Backhoe - Dipper and Bucket.Figure 135. Backhoe - Dipper and Bucket. - ContinuedDIPPER, BACKHOE - COUPLER, HYDRAULICFigure 136. Dipper, Backhoe - Coupler, Hydraulic.Figure 136. Dipper, Backhoe - Coupler, Hydraulic. - ContinuedBACKHOE BUCKETFigure 137. Backhoe Bucket.Figure 137. Backhoe Bucket. - ContinuedCOUNTERWEIGHT, FRONTFigure 138. Counterweight, Front.Figure 138. Counterweight, Front. - ContinuedCHASSIS MOUNTS, POD SCREEN, AIR INLETFigure 139. Chassis Mounts, Pod Screen, Air Inlet.Figure 139. Chassis Mounts, Pod Screen, Air Inlet. - ContinuedTANK, OIL-BOX, BATTERYFigure 140. Tank, Oil-Box, Battery.Figure 140. Tank, Oil-Box, Battery. - ContinuedFigure 140. Tank, Oil-Box, Battery. - ContinuedRADIATOR WRAPPERFigure 141. Radiator Wrapper.Figure 141. Radiator Wrapper. - ContinuedSIDE PANELSFigure 142. Side Panels.Figure 142. Side Panels. - ContinuedHOOD AND GRILLEFigure 143. Hood and Grille.Figure 143. Hood and Grille. - ContinuedPLATES AND FLOORMATSFigure 144. Plates and Floormats.Figure 144. Plates and Floormats. - ContinuedGUARD, MUDFigure 145. Guard, Mud.Figure 145. Guard, Mud. - ContinuedSEAT, MOUNTINGFigure 146. Seat, Mounting.Figure 146. Seat, Mounting. - ContinuedSEAT ASSEMBLY, MECHANICAL SUSPENSIONFigure 147. Seat Assembly, Mechanical Suspension.Figure 147. Seat Assembly, Mechanical Suspension. - ContinuedFigure 148. Cab, Front, Rear, Side Rear Panels, and Mirror. (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 148. Cab, Front, Rear, Side Rear Panels, and Mirror. (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 148. Cab, Front, Rear, Side Rear Panels, and Mirror. - ContinuedFigure 148. Cab, Front, Rear, Side Rear Panels, and Mirror. - ContinuedCAB, FRAME AND COVERSFigure 149. Cab, Frame and Covers.Figure 149. Cab, Frame and Covers. - ContinuedFigure 150. Cab, Door, Left-hand and Mounting. (Sheet 1 of 4)Figure 150. Cab, Door, Left-hand and Mounting. (Sheet 2 of 4)Figure 150. Cab, Door, Left-hand and Mounting. (Sheet 3 of 4)Figure 150. Cab, Door, Left-hand and Mounting. (Sheet 4 of 4)Figure 150. Cab, Door, Left-hand and Mounting. - ContinuedFigure 150. Cab, Door, Left-hand and Mounting. - ContinuedCAB, RIGHT-HAND AND FRONT PANEL ASSEMBLYFigure 151. Cab, Right-Hand and Front Panel Assembly.Figure 151. Cab, Right-Hand and Front Panel Assembly. - ContinuedCAB, WASHER, WINDSHIELDFigure 152. Cab, Washer, Windshield.Figure 152. Cab, Washer, Windshield. - ContinuedCAB, WIPERSFigure 153. Cab, Wipers.Figure 153. Cab, Wipers. - ContinuedCAB HEADLINER, FILTER, LOUVERS, AND DOME LAMPFigure 154. Cab Headliner, Filter, Louvers, and Dome Lamp.Figure 154. Cab Headliner, Filter, Louvers, and Dome Lamp. - ContinuedCAB, FILTER, AIRFigure 155. Cab, Filter, Air.Figure 155. Cab, Filter, Air. - ContinuedCAB, BLOWER HOUSING, VENTILATION DUCTS, DRAIN LINESFigure 156. Cab, Blower Housing, Ventilation Ducts, Drain Lines.Figure 156. Cab, Blower Housing, Ventilation Ducts, Drain Lines. - ContinuedCAB HEATERSFigure 157. Cab Heaters.Figure 157. Cab Heaters. - ContinuedFigure 157. Cab Heaters. - ContinuedCAB AIR CONDITIONING LINES AND EVAPORATING COREFigure 158. Cab Air Conditioning Lines and Evaporating Core.Figure 158. Cab Air Conditioning Lines and Evaporating Core. - ContinuedCAB AIR CONDITIONING CONDENSER AND RECEIVER/DRYERFigure 159. Cab Air Conditioning Condenser and Receiver/Dryer.Figure 159. Cab Air Conditioning Condenser and Receiver/Dryer. - ContinuedCAB AIR CONDITIONING COMPRESSORFigure 160. Cab Air Conditioning Compressor.Figure 160. Cab Air Conditioning Compressor. - ContinuedFigure 161. Decals. (Sheet 1 of 4)Figure 161. Decals. (Sheet 2 of 4)Figure 161. Decals. (Sheet 3 of 4)Figure 161. Decals. (Sheet 4 of 4)Figure 161. Decals. - ContinuedFigure 161. Decals. - ContinuedBULKGROUP BULKFigure 162. Special Tools. (Sheet 1 of 4)Figure 162. Special Tools. (Sheet 2 of 4)Figure 162. Special Tools. (Sheet 3 of 4)Figure 162. Special Tools. (Sheet 4 of 4)Figure 162. Special Tools. - ContinuedFigure 162. Special Tools. - ContinuedNATIONAL STOCK NUMBER (NSN) INDEXNATIONAL STOCK NUMBER (NSN) INDEX - ContinuedNATIONAL STOCK NUMBER (NSN) INDEX - ContinuedNATIONAL STOCK NUMBER (NSN) INDEX - ContinuedNATIONAL STOCK NUMBER (NSN) INDEX - ContinuedNATIONAL STOCK NUMBER (NSN) INDEX - ContinuedNATIONAL STOCK NUMBER (NSN) INDEX - ContinuedNATIONAL STOCK NUMBER (NSN) INDEX - ContinuedNATIONAL STOCK NUMBER (NSN) INDEX - ContinuedNATIONAL STOCK NUMBER (NSN) INDEX - ContinuedNATIONAL STOCK NUMBER (NSN) INDEX - ContinuedNATIONAL STOCK NUMBER (NSN) INDEX - ContinuedNATIONAL STOCK NUMBER (NSN) INDEX - ContinuedNATIONAL STOCK NUMBER (NSN) INDEX - ContinuedNATIONAL STOCK NUMBER (NSN) INDEX - ContinuedNATIONAL STOCK NUMBER (NSN) INDEX - ContinuedNATIONAL STOCK NUMBER (NSN) INDEX - ContinuedNATIONAL STOCK NUMBER (NSN) INDEX - ContinuedNATIONAL STOCK NUMBER (NSN) INDEX - ContinuedNATIONAL STOCK NUMBER (NSN) INDEX - ContinuedNATIONAL STOCK NUMBER (NSN) INDEX - ContinuedNATIONAL STOCK NUMBER (NSN) INDEX - ContinuedNATIONAL STOCK NUMBER (NSN) INDEX - ContinuedNATIONAL STOCK NUMBER (NSN) INDEX - ContinuedNATIONAL STOCK NUMBER (NSN) INDEX - ContinuedNATIONAL STOCK NUMBER (NSN) INDEX - ContinuedNATIONAL STOCK NUMBER (NSN) INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER (P/N) INDEXPART NUMBER (P/N) INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER (P/N) INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER (P/N) INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER (P/N) INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER (P/N) INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER (P/N) INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER (P/N) INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER (P/N) INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER (P/N) INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER (P/N) INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER (P/N) INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER (P/N) INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER (P/N) INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER (P/N) INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER (P/N) INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER (P/N) INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER (P/N) INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER (P/N) INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER (P/N) INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER (P/N) INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER (P/N) INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER (P/N) INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER (P/N) INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER (P/N) INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER (P/N) INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER (P/N) INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER (P/N) INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER (P/N) INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER (P/N) INDEX - Continued