hooks of a cable sling to three lifting lugs pro-
vided (See Fig. 1). Use sling spreader bar as
1. When machine is shipped on railway flat car, it
shown to prevent damage to sheet metal parts
is not required that any of machine components
of machine. Be sure safety link is connected
be removed to transport.
on side of machine (See Fig. 1) before lifting
with crane, and/or after positioning machine
2 . When machine is shipped on truck trailer (low-
on carrier by driving it on. Lower bucket un-
boy) it is necessary to remove the Roll-Over Pro-
til it rests on the carrier. All shift and control
t e c t i v e Structure (ROPS), Cab Assembly and
levers must be in neutral position after plac-
Engine Exhaust Stacks (2) in order to comply
i n g machine on carrier. Set parking brake
with height restrictions for over the road trans-
and remove ignition key.
port. Removal of these components is accom-
plished as follows :
b. If a ramp must be constructed, build it at one
end of the carrier, making sure the ramp is
a. L o o s e n exhaust stack retaining clamps at
c a p a b l e of supporting the machine weight
both mufflers and remove exhaust stacks by
(53,600 lbs.).
pulling upward. Cover exhaust pipe openings
with waterproof tape to protect engine from
c. Block and tie down machine as shown in Fig.
entry of water or other foreign material.
1. Wheel blocks should be made from hard-
wood such as oak, ash, hickory, etc. Locate
b. Remove ROPS, using a suitable hoist of at
wheel blocks, Style B, one against the front
least 2000 lbs. capacity, by removing 2 can-
and one against the rear of each wheel. Lo-
opy pins and 2 bottom strut pins, Item A,
cate wheel block, Style C, against inside of
Figure 1.
each wheel. Nail each block to the floor of the
carrier using five 40-D nails in the heel and
C. Remove cab, using a suitable hoist of at least
one 40-D nail in each side of the block.
2000 lbs. capacity, removing all cab mounting
bolts as shown in Figure 2 and unplugging
d. When loading machine on railway flat car,
c a b wiring harness at left hand instrument
minimum clearance "E", as shown in Fig. 1,
between brake wheel and machine must be
d. Crate or package all items removed for ship-
maintained as follows :
6 inch clearance in back of, on both sides
ment with machine.
of, and above brake wheel ; a 4 inch clear-
ance under brake wheel; and a 12 inch
m i n i m u m clearance from end of car to
machine, extending from center of brake
1. The machine can be positioned on flat car or
wheel to side of car and 6 feet above car
truck trailer by use of a crane capable of han-
dling weight of machine (shipping weight 53,-
600 lbs.) or it can be driven on to carrier from a
e. Leave ignition key in switch in "Off" position.
loading dock or specially constructed ramp.
Close instrument panel cover and secure with
a. If machine is loaded with a crane, connect
lockwire or railroad type car seal.