TM 5-3805-257-14&P
3-4. Requisitioning Repair Parts
3-1. General
a. Using Units/Organizations. Requisitions (DA Form
a. The basic policies and procedures in AR 710-2 and
AR 725-50 and DA CIRC 700-27 are generally applicable
2765 Series) will be prepared according to AR 710-2 and
local command directives. All requisitions will have the
to repair parts management for CCE items.
Weapons System Designator Code "37" (interim Change
b. Manufacturer's parts manuals are furnished with
5-1, AR 710-2 per DA Message, DALO-SMS 091400Z
CCE items instead of Department of the Army Repair
Parts and Special Tool List (RPSTL).
June 78) entered in the 2nd and 3rd positions of block 18.
c . National Stock Number (NSN`s) are initially
Units in CONUS will use Project Code "BGW" in block
assigned only to PLL/ASL parts and major assemblies.
19. Units OCONUS will enter in block 19 Project Code
i.e., engines, transmissions, etc. Additional NSN's are
b. Support Units and Activities.
assigned by the supply support activities as demands war-
(1) General: ALL MILSTRIP requisitions (DD
Form 1348 Series) prepared for repair parts support of
d. Automated Processing (AUTODIN) of Federal
Supply Code Manufacturer (FSCM) part number requisi-
CCE items will include distribution and project codes, see
tions, without edit for matching NSN's and exception
Appendixes G, H, and I.
data, is authorized.
(2) Distribution Code Supply customers in CONUS
e. Proper use of project codes and weapon systems
will use Code "F" in card column 54. Customers
designator codes on parts requisitions is essential.
OCONUS will are the appropriate code from Appendix P.
Paragraph P-3a (1) AR 725-50. Weapons System Desig-
f. Repair parts are available from commercial sources
nator Code "37" (DA Message DALO-SMS. 091400Z
and may be purchased locally in accordance with AR
June 78). will he entered in card columns 55 and 56 of all
710-2 and AR 735-110.
requisitions for parts to support the Loader.
g. Initial Prescribed Load Lost (PLL) and Author-
(3) Project Codes. The Project Code "BGW'" will
ized Stock List (ASL) will be distributed by US Army
be used by CONUS customers when requisitioning part
T a n k - A u t o m o t i v e Command (TACOM), ATTN:
numbered parts. Supply customers OCONUS will use
Project Code "JZC" for part numbered parts.
3-2. Prescribed Load List (PLL)
3-5. Submitting Requisitions
The PLL distributed by TACOM is an estimated 15 days
a. Using Units and Organizations will submit DA
supply recommended for initial stockage at organizational
Form 2765 Series Requisitions to designated support
maintenance. Management of PLL items will be governed
units or activities in accordance with local procedures.
by the provisions of AR 710-2 and local command
b. Support units and activities will forward MILSTRIP
procedures. Selection of PLL parts for shipment to
requisitions for NSN parts through the Defense Auto-
CONUS/OCONUS units is based upon the receiving
mated Addressing System (DAAS) to the Managing Sup-
Command's recommendation after their review of the
ply Support Activity. Requisitions for part numbered part
TACOM prepared list. Organizations and activities in
will be forwarded through DAAS to the Defcnse Con-
CONUS/OCONUS will establish PLL stocks through
struction Supply Center (DCSC).
normal requisitioning process.
When the manufacturer's part number and
3-3. Authorized Stockage List (ASL)
The ASL distributed by TACOM is an estimated 45
Federal Supply Code for Manufacturer (FSCM)
days supply of repair parts for support units and activities.
exceed the space in card columns 8 through 22
of A02/A0B requisitions, prepare an A05A0E
The ASL parts will be shipped according to the recom-
requisition (DD Form 1348-6) and mail it to
mendations of the receiving commands, after they have
reviewed the initial list distributed by TACOM. Support
Commander, Defense Construction Supply
Center, ATTN: DCSC-OSR, Columbus, Ohio
units and activities in CONUS/OCONUS will establish
ASL stocks through normal requisitioning process.
Change 2
5/(6 blank)