TM 5-3805-262-10
a. Transmission Controls.
TRANSMISSION CONTROL LEVER. Selects one of four positions: low range forward, high
range forward, neutral, and low range reverse.
DECLUTCH TREADLE VALVE. Applies service brakes,
lights stop lights at rear of load-
er, disengages transmission, and lights CLUTCH PRESS indicator. Used to disengage
transmission to provide maximum hydraulic power for loader operation.
b. Drive Shafts.
FRONT DRIVE SHAFT. Connected between center drive shaft and front axle. Connected to
front axle yoke by universal joint and to center drive shaft by yoke with internal
splines. Rear of front drive shaft supported by a bearing.
CENTER DRIVE SHAFT. Connected between
transmission output shaft and front drive
shaft. Connection accomplished by univer-
sal joints.
REAR DRIVE SHAFT. Connected between trans-
mission output shaft and rear axle by uni-
versal joints.