TM 5-3805-262-102-10. LOADER CONTROLS (CONT)BUCKET HEIGHT CONTROLAutomatically stops loader lift armsat a preselected dump height.Use this control when loadingtrucks, rail cars, hoppers, etc.Refer to page 2-45 for adjustment.BUCKET LEVEL INDICATORTube with rod telescoping in and out.Located on right bucket tilt cylin-der assembly.When end of rod is one inch out oftube, bottom of bucket is level withground or bucket has returned toposition selected by return-to-digcontrol.RETURN-TO-DIG CONTROLAutomatically returns bucket to dig-ging position preset by this con-trol.Used in conjunction with BUCKET con-trol lever in CROWD position andLIFT ARM control lever in FLOAT po-sition.Refer to page 2-46 for adjustment.2-20
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