TM 5-3805-262-20REMOVAL (SHEET 2 OF 2)(e)( f )(g)(h)( i)( j )Remove yoke (4) using puller if necessary.At support bearing, loosen setscrews (5 and 6).Remove any paint or rust from front drive shaft at rear of support bear-ing; this will enable easier removal of front drive shaft. Apply pene-trating oil to support bearing inner race and front drive shaft toloosen any rust between these parts.Remove four socket head screws (7) and lock washers (8).Disengage front drive shaft (10) universal joint from front axle yokeand move front drive shaft to rear.Move front drive shaft (10) to right or left and remove it from supportbearing and vehicle.6-35
Integrated Publishing, Inc. - A (SDVOSB) Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business