TM 5-3805-262-207-3. AIR BRAKE SYSTEM MAINTENANCE (CONT) f. H o s e s , L i n e s, a n d F i t t i n g s ( c o n t ) .(2) Replacement (cont).INSTALLATION (SHEET 3 OF 3)(ap) Install elbow (43) in front brake actuator.(aq)( a r )( a s)( a t )(au)(av)(aw)(ax)(ay)(az)(ba)(bb)(bc)(bd)(be)( b f )(bg)(bh)( b i)Route hose (45), install clamp (44) to secure hose, and connect to elbow(43) as tagged.I n s t a l l a d a p t e r ( 4 6 ) i n r e a r b r a k e a c t u a t o r.Route hose (48), install two new tie straps (47) to secure, and connectto adapter (46) as tagged.Route hose (50), install two new tie straps (49) and two new tie straps(47) to secure and connect to adapter at air reservoir.Install elbow (7) in pressure protection valve.Route and connect hose (8) to elbow (7) as tagged.I n s t a l l a d a p t e r ( 6 ) i n p r e s s u r e p r o t e c t i o n v a l v e .I n s t a l l t e e ( 5 ) o n a d a p t e r ( 6 ).Install pressure reducing valve (4) on tee (5).Install pressure relief valve (3) in pressure reducing valve (4).Install elbow (2) in pressure reducing valve (4).Connect hose (1) to elbow (2) as tagged.Connect hose (1) to hydraulic reservoir.Close air reservoir drain valve.Connect and tighten battery ground cable (page 5-151).Start engine and operate at idle speed until low air pressure warningbuzzer stops sounding.Turn off engine. Check air hoses and lines connections for air leaks.Apply soap solution to connections and watch for bubbles. If bubbles areseen, tighten connection and recheck for air leaks.Install engine side panels (page 9-17).Close and lock front access door.7-86
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