SECTION ITM5-3805-262-24P(5) Part numbers for bulk materials arereferenced in this column in the line item entry for theitem to be manufactured/fabricated.(6) When the item is not used with all serialnumbers of the same model, the effective serialnumbers are shown on the last line(s) of the description(before UOC). Not applicable.(7) The usable on code, when applicable (seeparagraph 5, Special information).(8) In the Special Tools List section, the basis ofissue (BOI) appears as the last line(s) in the entry foreach special tool, special TMDE and other specialsupport equipment. When density of equipmentssupported exceeds density spread indicated in the basisof issue, the total authorization is increasedproportionately.(9) The statement “END OF FIGURE” appearsjust below the last item description in Column 5 for agiven figure in both Section II and Section Ill.f. QTY (Column (6)). The QTY (quantity per figurecolumn) indicates the quantity of the item used in thebreakout shown on the illustration figure, which isprepared for a functional group, subfunctional group oran assembly. A “V” appearing in this column in lieu of aquantity indicates that the quantity is variable and thequantity may vary from application to application.4. Explanation of Columns (Section IV).a. NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER (NSN) INDEX.(1)STOCK NUMBER column. This column liststhe NSN by National item identification number (NIIN)sequence. The NIIN consists of the last nineNSNdigits of the NSN (i.e., 5305-91-674-1467)NIINWhen using this column to locate an item, ignore the first4 digits of the NSN. However, the complete NSN shouldbe used when ordering items by stock number.(2) FIG. column. This column Iists the number ofthe Figure where the item is identified/located. Thefigures are in numerical order in Section II and SectionIll.(3) ITEM column. The item number identifiesthe item associated with the figure listed in the adjacentFIG, column. This item is also identified by the NSNlisted on the same line.b. PART NUMBER INDEX. Part numbers in thisindex are listed by part number in ascending4alphanumeric sequence (i.e., vertical arrangement ofletter and number combination which places the firstIetter or digit of each group in order A through Z, followedby the numbers 0 through 9 and each following letter ordigit in like order.)(1) CAGEC column. The Commercial AndGovernment Entity (CAGE) Code (C) is a 5-digitalphanumeric code used to identify the manufacturer,distributor or Government agency, etc., that supplies theitem.(2) PART NUMBER column. Indicates theprimary number used by the manufacturer (individual,firm, corporation or Government activity), which controlsthe design and characteristics of the item by means of itsengineering drawings, specifications standards, andinspection requirements to identify an item or range ofitems.(3) STOCK NUMBER column. This column liststhe NSN for the associated part number andmanufacturer identified in the PART NUMBER andCAGEC columns to the left.(4) FIG. column. This column Iists the number ofthe figure where the item is identified/located in SectionII and Ill.(5) ITEM column. The item number is thatnumber assigned to the item as it appears in the figurereferenced in the adjacent figure number column.c. FIGURE AND ITEM NUMBER INDEX.(1) FIG. column. This column lists the number ofthe figure where the item is identified/located in SectionII and Ill.(2) ITEM column. The item number is thatnumber assigned to the item as it appears in the figurereferenced in the adjacent figure number column.(3) STOCK NUMBER column. This column liststhe NSN for the item.(4) CAGEC column. The Commercial AndGovernment Entity (CAGE) Code (C) is a 5-digitalphanumeric code used to identify the manufacturer,distributor or Government agency, etc., that supplies theitem.(5) PART NUMBER column. Indicates theprimary number used by the manufacturer (individual,firm, corporationor Government activity), whichcontrols the design and characteristics of the item bymeans of its engineering drawings, specificationsstandards and inspection requirements to identify anitem or range of items.
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