TM 5-3805-291-10
Messenger Reference Guide
Display Settings: Time/Date Adjustment Screens
Startup Screen
The startup screen setting allows the user to select which screen Messenger will display when it is powered on, after
the splash screens disappear. The radial button next to the text in Messenger will indicate which choice is currently
selected. Selections are:
Top Level Screen
Neutralizer Settings Screen (from Transmission Settings menu)
Fine Modulation Mode Screen (from Implement Settings menu)
User Defined Screen
In addition to these selections, the operator can define any screen in the Messenger menu structure to be used as the
startup screen. To designate a screen as the user defined startup screen, the operator will navigate to the screen of
his or her choice. Once at that screen, the operator will simultaneously press and release all four buttons on
Messenger. When Messenger detects that all four buttons have been simultaneously pressed, it shall designate the
current screen as the startup screen until a different startup screen is chosen from the menu or designated by another
four-button press.
Totals Menu
This menu allows the operator to view all the machine parameters that are accumulated over the lifetime.
Totals Screen
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