TM 55-607/NAVSEA OP 3221 Rev 2
Table 5-1. Continued.
When permanent bulkhead stiffeners are on the
When permanent stiffeners are over 30 inches apart,
cargo side, suitable uprights of not less than 2 by 4
intermediate wood stiffeners are built at locations
inches may be installed against the permanent ver-
between permanent stiffeners so that 30-inch dimein-
tical stiffeners to provide the required 12 inches off
sion is not exceeded and 21/-inch boarding not re-
the bulkhead. If the permanent stiffellers are over 30
quired. Proper 12-inch spacing can be achieved by
inches apart, center-to-center, 2 -inch boarding will
laminating three 4- by 4-inch uprights and a single 2-
be used.
by 4-inch piece. Boarding shall be 2- by 10- or 2- by
12-inch material.
Magazine Stowage A. Magazines constructed of steel
have the whole interior thoroughly protected by
Deviation not permitted.
wood dunnage of a minimum thickness of three-
quarters inch.
Metal stanchions within magazine will be boxed with
wood of a thickness not less than three-quarters
When bare steel or tank tops are used for magazine
floor, a wooden floor consisting of two layers of com-
mercial 1-inch-thick lumber will be laid, with the top
course laid crosswise to the lower course. When steel
decks or tank tops are originally fitted with a wood
floor or are ceiled, it will be necessary to fit one
course of dunnage.
All flooring formed by these methods will be laid with
Commercial 2-inch lumber not less than 6 inches
commercial 1-inch lumber of widths not less than 4
wide can be used when available.
inches, fitted as close as possible, edge-to-edge and
Magazines constructed of wood will have side and end
Two- by four-inch bearers and headers not man-
bulkheads of commercial 1-inch lumber, of 3/4-inch
tongue-and-grove sheahing, or of 3/4-inch plywood,
secured to uprights of at least a 3- by 4-inch size;
spaced not more than 18 inches apart; and secured at
top, bottom, and center with horizontal bracing.
When 3/4-inch plywood is used, uprights may be
spaced on 24-inch centers. A 2- by 4-inch bearer and
header will be used for the uprights. Tops of uprights
fitted against channel beams may be wedged directly
to the beam with 2- by 4-inch spacers fitted between.
When a metal stanchion, post, or other obstru tion is
located within interior area of magazine, it must be
completely covered with wood of the thickness of at
or screws.
Portable Magazine Stowage. Portable magazines will
Three-quarters inch minimum hold. Two-inch mini-
be constructed of wood or metal, lined with wood of
mum on deck when material availability permits.
3/4-inch minimum thickness.
When constructed of wood, the scantlings will not be
Three- by four-inch minimum uprights; 4- by 4-inch
less than those required for a type "A" magazine in
preferred when available; spacing requirements
46CFR146.29-81, with a close-fitting hinged cover or
door with an effective means of securing.
When stowed on deck, the magazine will be protected
Construct in accordance with minimum material
from the direct rays of the sun and elements. (Ed
specifications outlined for class "A" magazine. Use of
note: that is, near orbeneath a ship's structure, as
4-by 4-inch uprights preferred when available. Maga-
opposed to being completely exposed on deck.) Run-
zine shall be lined with clear or black polyethylene
ners, bearers, or other suitable means will be pro-
sheets of at least a 4-mil thickness or felt construc-
vided to elevate it a minimum of 4 inches from the
tion paper of at least 15-pound grade; 4- by 4-inch
lumber will be used for the bottom runners to
achieve the proper elevation from the deck.
Stowage of blasting caps, detonators, and primer det-
Deviation not permitted.
onators. When Class VIII ammunition is stowed over
tween-deck hatch covers and military explosives are
stowed in hold below, a single layer of 2-inch commer-
cial lumber is required over tween-deck hatch cover.