TM 55-607/NAVSEA OP 3221 Rev 2
Figure 9-16. Filler assembly for offset Units.
(2) Flooring over projectiles. Projectiles are
construction details for flooring over 155-mm and similar
not generally tiered unless a full floor (deck) separates
palletized projectiles. To eliminate the obstruction
the layers; however, two-high tiering without flooring is
caused by the lifting rings of the projectiles and provide
used occasionally. Deck-load limitations may limit
a foundation for the floor, spacers are placed across
stowage to two high, or limited overhead clearance will
each tier between the lifting eyes. Spacers are usually
not permit use of forklift trucks upon the stowed
2-by 3-inch lumber although 4-by 4-inch lumber may be
projectiles. In either case, installation of a separator
utilized. Use of the 2- by 3-inch spacer is preferred
floor is not advantageous, and the projectiles would be
aligned uniformly and stacked directly with 2- by 3-inch