TM 5-2420-231-23-1
Table 1. Powershift Lever - Continued.
Powershift Lever -
continuity between front console
wiring harness (WP 0162).
wiring harness connector (WP
Proceed to Test Step 10.
0007, Figure 112) terminals C and
No Continuity - Replace powershift
D. There should be no continuity.
wiring harness (WP 0167).
Proceed to Test Step 10.
Test Step 5. Test Forward Control
Circuit for a Short.
1. Using a digital multimeter, mea-
Voltage 10 to 14 Volts - Proceed to
sure voltage between powershift
step 2.
connector wiring harness connec-
No Voltage - Replace forward relay
C2 and machine ground. There
Proceed to Test Step 10.
should be no voltage.
2. Turn ignition switch to the off posi-
tion (TM 5-2420-231-10) and dis-
connect batteries (WP 0157).
3. Disconnect front console wiring
ure 5) from main chassis wiring
ure 6).
4. Disconnect powershift wiring har-
Figure 147).
continuity between front console
wiring harness (WP 0162).
wiring harness connector (WP
Proceed to Test Step 10.
0007, Figure 5) terminal 4D and all
No Continuity - Proceed to step 6.
other terminals on harness. There
should be no continuity.
6. Disconnect main chassis wiring
ure 101) from FWD/REV jumper
continuity between main chassis
wiring harness (WP 0154).
wiring harness connector (WP
Proceed to Test Step 10.
0007, Figure 6) terminal 4D and all
No Continuity - Proceed to step 8.
other terminals on harness. There
should be no continuity.
continuity between powershift con-
harness (WP 0167).
nector wiring harness connector
Proceed to test Step 10.
No Continuity - Replace transmission
and all other terminals on harness.
controller (WP 0168).
There should be no continuity.
Proceed to test Step 10.