TM 5-2420-231-23-1
Table 1. Multiple Backhoe Operations (Pilot Controls) Do Not Function Correctly - Continued.
Test Step 22. Test of Flow Regulator
Multiple Backhoe
Operations (Pilot Controls)
Do Not Function Correctly -
Perform flow regulator pressure test
Flow Regulator Pressure 225 psi
(1,551 kPa) or Higher - Perform
be 225 to 330 psi (1,551 to 2,275 kPa). Flowmeter Disconnect Procedure (WP
Proceed to Test Step 23.
Flow Regulator Less Than 225 psi
(1,551 kPa) - Perform Flowmeter
Replace hydraulic oil pump (WP 0230).
Proceed to Test Step 29.
Test Step 23. Test and Adjust Loader
Relief Valve.
1. Perform loader relief valve test
Loader Relief Valve Pressure Within
Specification of 3,000 to 3,200 psi
(20,684 to 22,063 kPa) - Proceed to
Test Step 24.
Loader Relief Valve Pressure Not
Within Specification of 3,000 to 3,200
psi (20,684 to 22,063 kPa) - Proceed
to step 2.
2. Adjust loader relief valve to specifi- Loader Relief Valve Adjusts to
cation of 3,000 to 3,200 psi
Specification of 3,000 to 3,200 psi
(20,684 to 22,063 kPa) (WP 0086). (20,684 to 22,063 kPa) - Perform
Flowmeter Disconnect Procedure (WP
Proceed to Test Step 29.
Loader Relief Valve Will Not Adjust
to Specification - Perform Flowmeter
Replace loader control valve assembly
(WP 0261).
Proceed to Test Step 29.
Test Step 24. Test Backhoe Load
Sense Relief Valve.
Perform backhoe load sense relief
Backhoe Relief Valve Pressure
Within Specification of 3,000 to 3,200
psi (20,684 to 22,063 kPa) - Proceed
to Test Step 25.
Loader Relief Valve Pressure Not
Within Specification - Perform
Flowmeter Disconnect Procedure (WP
Replace backhoe control valve
assembly (WP 0263).
Proceed to Test Step 29.