through the injectors, it serves to cool the injectors and
The V-71 engines (6, 8, 12 and 16 cylinder models)
carry off any air in the fuel system.
covered by this manual have the same bore and stroke
and use many of the same parts.
Air for scavenging and combustion is supplied by a
blower(s) which pumps air into the engine cylinders
All cylinder blocks are symmetrical in design thus
v i a the air box and cylinder liner ports. All air
permitting oil cooler or starter installation on the same
e n t e r i n g the blower(s) first passes through an air
side or on opposite sides of the engine, depending
cleaner or silencer.
upon the installation requirements. The engines are
built with right-hand or left-hand crankshaft rotation.
Full pressure lubrication is supplied to all main,
For example, the crankshaft in an RC engine, viewed
connecting rod and camshaft bearings, and to other
from the flywheel end, will rotate counterclockwise. the
moving parts of the engine. A gear-type pump draws
oil cooler will be mounted on the right hand side of
oil from the oil pan through an intake screen and
the engine and the starter will be on the left-hand side
delivers it to the oil filter(s) and then to the oil
of the engine (Fig. 2).
cooler(s). From the oil cooler(s) the oil flows through
passages that connect with the oil galleries in the
There are eight basic engine models. The letter L or K
cylinder block and cylinder heads for distribution to
indicates left or right-hand engine rotation as viewed
t h e bearings, rocker arm mechanism and other
from the front of the engine. The letter A, B, C or D
functional parts.
designates the location of the starter and oil cooler as
Coolant is circulated through the engine by a
viewed from the rear (flywheel) end. For the meaning
centrifugal type water pump. Heat is removed from
of each digit in the model numbering system. refer to
the coolant, which circulates in a closed system, by
Fig. 2.
either a radiator or heat exchanger. Control of the
engine temperature is accomplished by thermostats
The engines are normally equipped with an oil cooler,
that regulate the flow of the coolant within the cooling
lubricating oil filter(s), fuel oil strainer, fuel oil filter,
air cleaner(s) or silencer(s), governor, heat exchanger
a n d raw water pump or fan and radiator, and a
Engine starting is provided by either a hydraulic or an
electrical starting system.
Engine speed is controlled by a governor. Some
Fuel is drawn from the supply tank and through a
engines have a mechanical limiting speed governor.
strainer by a gear-type fuel pump, then it is forced
some a mechanical variable speed governor, and other
through the filter and the fuel inlet manifolds in the
engines use a limiting speed or a variable speed
cylinder heads to the injectors. Excess fuel is returned
hydraulic governor. The engine application determines
to the supply tank via the return fuel manifolds and
which type of governor is used.
connecting lines. Since fuel is constantly circulating
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