Operating Instructions
3. Remove and fill the fuel filter shell and element
with fuel oil as in Step 2.
Fill the transmission case, marine gear or torque
4. Start the engine. Check the filter and strainer for
converter supply tank to the proper level with the
lubricant specified under Lubrication and Preventive
NOTE: In some instances, it may be necessary to
remove a valve rocker cover and loosen a fuel
pipe nut in order to bleed trapped air from the
fuel system. Be sure the fuel pipe is retightened
Fuel System
securely before replacing the rocker cover.
Fill the fuel tank with the fuel specified under Diesel
Primer J 5956 may be used to prime the entire fuel
Fuel Oil Specifications.
system. Remove the filler plug in the fuel filter cover
and install the primer. Prime the system. Remove the
If the unit is equipped with a fuel valve, it must be
primer and install the filler plug.
To ensure prompt starting, fill the fuel system between
Lubrication Fittings
the pump and the fuel return manifold with fuel. If
the engine has been out of service for a considerable
Fill all grease cups and lubricate at all fittings with an
length of time, prime the filter between the fuel pump
all purpose grease. Apply lubricating oil to the throttle
and the injectors. The filter may be primed by
linkage and other moving parts and fill the hinged cap
removing the plug in the top of the filter cover and
oilers with a hand oiler.
slowly filling the filter with fuel.
In addition to the above, on an engine equipped with
a hydrostarter, use a priming pump to make sure the
Drive Belts
fuel lines and the injectors are full of fuel before
attempting to start the engine.
Adjust all drive belts as recommended under
Lubrication and Preventive Maintenance.
NOTE: The fuel system is filled with fuel before
leaving the factory. If the fuel is still in the
system when preparing to start the engine,
Storage Battery
priming should be unnecessary.
Check the battery. The top should be clean and dry,
the terminals tight and protected with a coat of
Engine Out of Fuel
petroleum jelly and the electrolyte must be at the
The problem in restarting the engine after it has run
proper level.
out of fuel stems from the fact that after the fuel is
exhausted from the fuel tank, fuel is then pumped
NOTE: When necessary, check the battery with
from the primary fuel strainer and sometimes partially
a hydrometer; the reading should be 1.265 or
removed from the secondary fuel filter before the fuel
higher. However, hydrometer readings should
supply becomes insufficient to sustain engine firing.
always be corrected for the temperature of the
Consequently, these components must be refilled with
fuel and the fuel pipes rid of air in order for the
system to provide adequate fuel for the injectors.
When an engine has run out of fuel, there is a definite
procedure to follow for restarting the engine.
Generator Set
1. Fill the fuel tank with the recommended grade of
Where applicable, fill the generator end `bearing
fuel oil. If only partial filling of the tank is possible,
housing with the same lubricating oil as used in the
add a minimum of ten gallons (38 litres) of fuel.
2. Remove the fuel strainer shell and element from the
A generator set should be connected and grounded in
strainer cover and fill the shell with fuel oil. Install the
accordance with the applicable local electrical codes.
shell and element.
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