TM 5-3805-258-24-1-DIRECTINJECTION VEHICULARENQINESPECIFICATIONSWITHSCROLL FUELSYSTEMFLYWHEEL RUNOUTFaaa Runout (axial aaaentriclty) of tho Flywheek1. Install the dial indicator aa shown. Put a force on the flywhaattoward the rear.2. Sat the dial indicator to read 0.0 mm (.000 in.)3. Turn the flywheel and read the indicator every90°, Put a force onthe flywheel to the rear before each reading.4 The difference between the lower and higher measurement takenat all four pointsmust not be more than 0.15 mm (.006 in.), which iathe maximum parmiaeible face runout (axial eccentricity) of theflywheel.CtlECKINQFACERUNOUT OF THE FLYWHEELSereRunOut (radial eccentricity) of the Flywhaek1. Install the dial indicator(3) and make an adjustment of the universalattachment (4) so it makea contact aa ahown.2. Set the dial indicator to read 0.0 mm (.000 in.)3. Turn the flywheel andread the indcator every90°.4. The difference between the lower and h~her meaauramants takenat all four pcinta must not be morethan 0.15 mm (.CK16 in.), wh~h isthe maximum parmiaaible borerunout(radial eccentricity) of theflywheel.5. Runcut @centrklfy) of the bore for the pfbtbearingcn fhe flywheel clutch, must notexceed0.13 mm(.fJ05 in.).CHECKfNGFLYWHEELBORECHECKfNGFLYWHEELCLUTCHPILOTBEARfNG BORE2-26
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