TM 5-3805-258-24-1OPERATOR’S STATIONSYSTEMS OPERATIONINDIVIDUAL CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONENGINE STOP SYSTEMWhen the key switch is put in the OFF position, a ground is made through thekey switch to activate the 3T689 Stop Relay. Power is sent to the coil of the stoprelay from the output of the main power relay.When the stop relay is activated, it sends current to the stop solenoidconnected to the rack. When current is sent to the stop solenoid, it is activatedand moves the rack so that no fuel is sent to the engine.With the ON-OFF-START switch in the OFF position, the main powerrelay is activated from the voltage output of the alternator “R” terminals. Asthe engine comes to a stop, the main power relay deactivates (becomes notactivated) after the alternator “R” terminal voltage drops. This causes theengine stop relay to deactivate. When the shut off solenoid is deactivated,the rack is moved again, and fuel can be sent to the engine. The total timedelay of the two relays is enough to cause the engine to come to a completestop before the shutoff solenoid is deactivated and fuel is sent to the engineagain.NOTE: If the engine does not come to a complete stop before the shutoffsolenoid is deactivated and fuel is sent to the engine, it is possible for the engineto startup again. If the engine does startup again, lift up on the governor pedalto stop the engine.ENGINE STOP SWITCH1. Engine stop switch.ENGINE STOP SOLENOID2. Engine stop solenoid.3-172
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