SYSTEMS OPERATIONTM 5-3805-258-24-1OPERATOR’S STATIONINDIVIDUAL CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONBACK-UP ALARMThe back-up alarm warning system has a 3T1815 Alarm installed behind theradiator. The alarm has a solid state (electrical, no moving parts) circuit thatmakes the sound go on and off when it has current. The back-up alarm getspower from the 10 amp fuse marked “STOP LIGHTS & BACK-UPALARM” on the fuse panel under the instrument panel. The back-up alarm iscontrolled by a 9N1750 Microswitch that is part of the transmission neutralizergroup. The switch is inside an aluminum housing where the forward-reversetransmission cable is fastened to the transmission. The switch stays open inNEUTRAL and FORWARD, but closes when the transmission is put inREVERSE.B A C K - U P A L A RM1. Back-up alarm.B A C K - U P A L A R M S W I T CH2. Back-up alarm switch.Transmission in Reverse3-176
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