TM 5-3805-258-24-1ENGINE/TRANSMISSION OIL SAMPLINGWhen RequiredRefer to technical bulletin TB 43-0210, AppendixF for proper oil sample intervals and detailedsampling procedures.CAUTIONDo not take samples after oil has been added. Oper-ate the machine for at least 8 hours before taking asample.CAUTIONKeep sampling supplies (tubing, bottle, caps, etc.)free of any contamination. Be sure to mark samplebottles clearly for easy identification.To Take Engine Oil Sample1. Clean the engine oil sampling valve thoroughly.Start the engine and bring up to normal operatingtemperature.2. With the engine at idle, remove the dust cap onthe oil sampling valve. Attach an appropriate sizetube to the valve if desired. Place a vessel under thevalve opening (or tube if used) and pull or turnring to drain about one pint of oil. Release ringto close valve.3. Place a sample bottle under the valve opening(or tube if used) and fill bottle to 1/2" from topand cap the bottle immediately. Replace the dustcap on the sampling valve and return drained oilto the reservoir.4. Mark, pack and ship the bottle as described inTB 43-0210.To Take Transmission Oil Sample1. Clean the transmission oil sample valve thor-oughly. Start the engine and drive the machine forone mile to bring the transmission to normal oper-ating temperature. With the engine still running,lock the transmission in neutral and set the parkingbrake.2. Remove the dust cap on the sampling valve.Attach an appropriate size hose to the valve ifdesired. Place a vessel under the valve opening(or hose if used) and pull or turn ring to drainabout one pint of oil. Release ring to close valve.3. Place a sample bottle under the valve opening(or hose if used) and fill bottle to 1/2" from topand cap bottle immediately. Replace the dust capon the sampling valve and return the drained oil tothe transmission.4. Mark, pack and ship the sample bottle as de-scribed in TB 43-0210.1-34.2
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