VEHICLE SYSTEMSASSEMBLE PILOT CONTROLPILOT CONTROL VALVEVALVE 5059-16Tools NeededA1P51ODriver Group11.2.3.4.Make sure all parts are clean. Inspect all partsfor wear or damage. Make replacements ifnecessary.Use tool (A) to install bearings (1) in cover (2).Push only on the stamped side of the bearing.The bearings must be even with outside surface.Install the lip type seals with tool (A). The lip ofthe seal must be toward the inside. Put clean oilon the lips of the seals.Put shafts (4), washers (3) and actuators (5) inposition in the cover. Make sure a washer is oneach side of the actuator.5. Use a hammer and a punch to install pins (6) inthe actuator and shaft. The key groove in theshaft must be toward the top of the cover.6. Turn the cover over and install setscrews (7) inthe actuator. The bottom of the setscrew mustTM 5-3805-258-24-2DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLYbe even with the surface of the actuator.5-345
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