TM 5-3805-258-24-2VEHICLE SYSTEMSDISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY8910. CYLINDERSPut clean oil on the threads of the bolt thatholds the piston in place.Install the bolt and use tooling (D) to tightenthe bolt to a torque of 1080 ± 108 N•m (800 ±80 lb.ft.).Put 5P960 Multipurpose Type Grease on thethreads of cylinder (12) and the inside diameterof crown (11).Install crown (11) on the cylinder. Use tooling(F) to tighten the crown to a torque of 475 +270-0 N-m (350 + 200-0 lb. ft.).Put 9S3263 Thread Lock on the threads of thesetscrew. Install the setscrew in the crown. Donot tighten the setscrew too tight because it canput a side load on the crown and the head andcause damage to the cylinder rod.Lower the temperature of the bearings andinstall them in the center of the bores withtooling (E).Use tooling (A) to install the lip type seals inthe bores. The lip of the seal must be toward theoutside.end by:a) install steering cylinders5-379
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