VEHICLE SYSTEMS10.AIR/HYDRAULIC CYLINDERInstall spring (24), nut assembly (21), retainervalve assembly (23) and piston assembly (19)on piston assembly (22).11. Put a small amount of compression on spring(24) and install retaining ring (20) on the shaftwith tool (A).12. Install nut assembly (21) in tube assembly(27).13. Install cylinder (28) on the piston assembly.14. Install rod indicator (25) and switch assembly(26) on the tube assembly. Tighten the switchassembly to a torque of 5.4- 10.8 N•m (48 If the plug on the end of tube assembly(27) is removed, tighten it to a torque of 80 N•m(60 lb. ft.).TM 5-3805-258-24-2DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLYGROUP15. Make a connection of tube assembly (27) andcylinder (28). Install nuts (29) that hold theassemblies together. Tighten the nuts to atorque of 8-16 N•m (6-12 lb. ft.).end by:a) install air/ hydraulic cylinder group.5-447
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