TM 5-3805-262-201-29. BODY AND CAB1. FENDERS.Two front fenders and tworear fenders. Constructed of heavy gagesteel.2. CAB.Metal construction. Providesfacilities for one man operation ofloader. Easily removable for air shipment.Attached at rear of front chassis approx-imately over pivot point. Includes frontand rear windshields, two door assemblies,cab dome light, defroster fans (2), anddefogger assembly.1-30. ACCESSORIES 1. MIRRORS.Two outside mirrors mountedon cab. One inside mirror mounted on cabceiling.2. CAB DOME LIGHT.Located at center ofcab ceiling. Switch operated. Protectedby resetable 5 ampere circuit breakerlocated on right instrument panel.3. WINDSHIELD WIPER AND MOTOR. One usedfor front windshield. Two speed electricmotor operated. Switch mounted on cabconsole panel. Protected by resetable 3ampere circuit breaker also mounted oncab console panel.4. DEFOGGER ASSEMBLY. Located at cabceiling above front windshield. Blows .warm air on windshield to preventfogging. Control switch located on cabconsole panel. Protected by resetable 6ampere circuit breaker also located oncab console panel.5. FAN ASSEMBLY.Two used. Electricfans.One each above both rearwindshields. Switch integral with fanassembly. Protected by resetable 6ampere circuit breaker located on cabconsole panel.6. WINDSHIELD WASHER. Part of pneumaticsystem. Refer to page 1-26 fordescription.1-28
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