TM 5-3805-262-20
a. D e f r o s t e r M o t o r.
This task covers removal, cleaning, inspection, and instal-
lation of cab defroster motor.
TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit
S l i p j o i n t p l i e rs
Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive
E l e c t r i c a l r e p a i r t o o l k it
MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1)
Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2)
Detergent (Appendix C, item 3)
Insulation tape (Appendix C, item 5)
Isopropyl alcohol (Appendix C, item 15)
PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Battery ground cable disconnected (page 5-148).
( 2 )
( 4)
Inside cab, at top, support cover (18) and loosen and remove six screws
(1) and finishing washers (2) . Reach into cover and disconnect wire lead
spade terminal (4) from resistor (17) terminal and wiring harness wire
lead spade terminal from dome light switch. Defroster motor terminal (3)
was disconnected when screws (1) were removed. Lower cover with installed
parts from cab ceiling and remove from cab.
If necessary, disconnect wire lead terminal (5) from wiring harness
brown-white wire terminal (6) by grasping terminals with your fingers and
firmly pulling them apart. Remove wire lead (7).
Grasp defroster spade terminal (8) with your fingers and firmly pull from
r e s i s t o r ( 1 7 ) t e r m i n a l t o d i s c o n n e c t i t .
Remove four locknuts (9) and screws (10).
Lift defroster (11) from cover (18) and remove seal (12).
Remove two nuts (13), lock washers (14), washers (15), and screws (16);
remove resistor (17).