TM 5-3805-262-34[3-9.FRONTANDREARAXLESMAINTENANCE(CONT)]d. RearAxle.This task covers removal and installation of rear axle.TOOLS: No. 2 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool KitSafety glassesTorque wrench, 3/4 inch driveSocket wrench set, 3/4 inch driveWood blocks, twoChain hoistJack standsRoller jackMATERIALS/PARTS: Lock nuts, eight (FSCM 10988 PN 131-1253)REFERENCES: TM 5-3805-262-10TM 5-3805-262-20LO 5-3805-262-12NOTEPRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Rear chassis raised and supported using jackstands, blocks installed between trunnion assembly sides and frame; reardrive shaft disconnected from rear axle differential assembly, rearwheels removed, brake lines and fittings disconnected from rear axle,and brake calipers removed (refer to TM 5-3805-262-20).REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 2)Before performing following steps, be sure that transport/service linkis in engaged position (refer to TM 5-3805-262-10) and chassis issecurely supported by jack stands. Failure to do so could cause chassisto(1)(2)(3)(4)fall on you causing serious injury or death.Loosen and remove hardware securingclamp (1). Spread clamp and removefrom hose.Disconnect axle vent hose (2) fromadapter (3). Do this by pulling hosestraight up off adapter.If necessary, remove adapter (3)from rear axle (8).Position roller jack beneath rearaxle (8) directly under differen-tial assembly. Raise roller jackuntil rear axle is supported byroller jack.3-386
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