TM 5-3805-298-23-1
Table 1. Engine Is Hard to Start When Cold - Continued.
2. Remove boot (Figure 9, Item 1)
Engine Is Hard to Start
and glow plug start aid fuse
When Cold - Continued
(Figure 9, Item 10) from fuse
module (Figure 9, Item 9).
Resistance 5.0 Ohms or Less -
Proceed to step 4.
(WP 0174), measure resistance
between fuse terminals.
Proceed to Test Step 6.
4. Position boot (Figure 9, Item 2)
Cable OK - Proceed to step 5.
aside and inspect glow plug
Cable Loose, Damaged, or Corroded
voltage supply cable (Figure 9,
- Clean, tighten, or replace engine
Item 4) for damage, corrosion, and
wiring harness (WP 0299).
loose connection at glow plug
Install glow plug start aid fuse.
relay magnetic switch (Figure 9,
Install left engine access panel
Item 3).
(WP 0350).
Proceed to Test Step 8.
Resistance 2.0 Ohms or Less -
(WP 0174), measure resistance
Proceed to step 6.
between glow plug voltage supply
cable (Figure 9, Item 4) at glow
Replace engine wiring harness
plug relay magnetic switch
(WP 0299).
(Figure 9, Item 3) and machine
Install glow plug start aid fuse.
Install left engine access panel
(WP 0350).
Proceed to Test Step 8.
6. Position boot (Figure 9, Item 6)
Cable OK - Proceed to step 7.
aside and inspect glow plug relay
Cable Loose or Corroded - Clean,
magnetic switch voltage supply
tighten, or replace engine wiring
cable (Figure 9, Item 5) for
harness (WP 0299).
damage, corrosion, and loose
Install glow plug start aid fuse.
connection at glow plug relay
Install left engine access panel
magnetic switch (Figure 9, Item 3).
(WP 0350).
Proceed to Test Step 8.
7. Position boot (Figure 9, Item 8)
Cable OK - Proceed to step 8.
aside and inspect glow plug relay
Cable Loose or Corroded - Clean,
magnetic switch voltage supply
tighten, or replace engine wiring
cable (Figure 9, Item 7) for
harness (WP 0299).
damage, corrosion, and loose
Install glow plug start aid fuse.
connection at fuse module
Install left engine access panel
(Figure 9, Item 9).
(WP 0350).
Proceed to Test Step 8.