TM 5-3805-298-23-1
Table 1. Blower Motor Does Not Operate in One or More Speeds - Continued.
Test Step 14. Test Blower Switch.
Blower Motor Does Not
1. Turn ignition switch and battery
Operate in One or More
disconnect switch to OFF position
Speeds - Continued
(TM 5-3805-298-10).
2. Remove console instrument panel
for access to wiring harness
connectors (WP 0264).
3. Disconnect connector C-C14
4. Turn blower switch to I position
(TM 5-3805-298-10).
5. Using digital multimeter
Resistance 5.0 Ohms or Less
(WP 0174), measure resistance
Proceed to step 6.
Figure 119) terminal 1 and
Replace blower switch (WP 0264).
terminal 2.
Proceed to Test Step 18.
6. Turn blower switch to II position
(TM 5-3805-298-10).
7. Using digital multimeter
Resistance 5.0 Ohms or Less
(WP 0174), measure resistance
Proceed to step 8.
Figure 119) terminal 2 and
Replace blower switch (WP 0264).
terminal 3.
Proceed to Test Step 18.
8. Using digital multimeter
Resistance 5.0 Ohms or Less
(WP 0174), measure resistance
Proceed to step 9.
Figure 119) terminal 5 and
Replace blower switch (WP 0264).
terminal 4.
Proceed to Test Step 18.
9. Turn blower switch to III position
(TM 5-3805-298-10).
Resistance 5.0 Ohms or Less
(WP 0174), measure resistance
Proceed to step 11.
Figure 119) terminal 2 and
Replace blower switch (WP 0264).
terminal 3.
Proceed to Test Step 18.
Resistance 5.0 Ohms or Less
(WP 0174), measure resistance
Proceed to Test Step 16.
Figure 119) terminal 5 and
Replace blower switch (WP 0264).
terminal 6.
Proceed to Test Step 18.