TM 5-3805-298-23-1
Table 1. One or Both Headlights Do Not Operate - Continued.
One or Both Headlights Do
Test Step 3. Test for Voltage at Front
Not Operate - Continued
Frame Wiring Harness.
1. Turn battery disconnect switch to
OFF position (TM 5-3805-298-10).
2. Disconnect connector WH-C1RH
Figure 151).
3. Turn battery disconnect switch ON
(TM 5-3805-298-10).
Voltage 18 to 26 V Replace front
(WP 0174), test for voltage
roading light wiring harness (WP 0274).
between connector LE-C8
Proceed to Test Step 20.
Voltage Less Than 18 V Replace
and terminal 2 (ground).
front frame wiring harness (WP 0301).
Proceed to Test Step 20.
Test Step 4. Test for Voltage at LH
1. Turn battery disconnect switch to
OFF position (TM 5-3805-298-10).
2. Disconnect connector WH-C2LH
3. Turn battery disconnect switch ON
(TM 5-3805-298-10).
Voltage 18 to 26 V Replace LH
(WP 0174), test for voltage
headlight (WP 0273).
between connector WH-C2LH
Proceed to Test Step 20.
Voltage Less Than 18 V Proceed to
and terminal 2 (ground).
Test Step 5.
Test Step 5. Test for Voltage at Front
Frame Wiring Harness.
1. Turn battery disconnect switch to
OFF position (TM 5-3805-298-10).
2. Disconnect connector WH-C1LH
Figure 147).
3. Turn battery disconnect switch ON
(TM 5-3805-298-10).