SUBJECT: Spark Arresters
All Models
Many states and other governmental entities have adopted laws
and regulations which require Spark Arresters on machines op-
erating on or near forest, brush or grass-covered lands within
t h e i r jurisdiction. T h e F e d e r a l g o v e r n m e n t a l s o h a s r e g u l a t i o n s
(Forest Services) which require Spark Arresters on machines op-
erating on National lands.
U s e of machines without Spark Arresters in areas where such use
is prohibited by law or regulation can subject the owner or op-
erator of the machine to penal fines or civil damages, including
the costs of fire suppression.
Spark arresting equipment complying with the applicable laws
and regulations must be installed on any machines which are
likely to be operated in such areas. All machines which are con-
verted for Woodland use (loggers, harvesters, etc.) should be in-
stalled with approved Spark Arresting Equipment.
Machines with turbo charged engines do not require additional
S p a r k Arresting Equipment to comply with currently known laws
and regulations.
[ 01-01-4 ]