All controls are conveniently located to provide
Boom Control Lever is the outer lever on right
maximum ease of operation of the machine.
hand side of operator. This lever has four posi-
c o n t r o l boom operation. Of the four positions,
The operator's seat can be shifted forward or
RAISE, HOLD and FLOAT are detent located and can
r e a r w a r d to suit the individual. The height and
be destinctly felt by the operator. The DOWN PRES-
angle of the seat can also be adjusted by reposition-
SURE position is not detent located and must be
ing the seat in the adjusting holes in seal mounting
located by "feathering" the lever between the HOLD
and FLOAT positions.
If enclosed parking is not available when shut-
To raise boom and bucket, pull boom lever back-
ting down machine at end of shift, spread tarpaulin
ward to the last detent position. Boom and bucket
o v e r operator's compartment to give protection
f r o m inclement weather. A cab enclosure kit is
available as optional accessory equipment.
Push lever forward, one notch ahead of RAISE
position to reach the HOLD (neutral) position. Plac-
Refer to Figure 9 for location and identification
ing boom control lever in this position will stop and
of operating controls.
hold boom and bucket at any height desired.
Directional Shift Lever is the top lever on
P u s h lever all the way forward to reach the
s t e e r i n g column. This lever provides three posi-
FLOAT position. In this detent position, hydraulic
tions, FORWARD, NEUTRAL and REVERSE to control
oil will pass from the base end of the boom cylin-
direction of machine travel. Pushing lever into for-
ders through the control valve and into the rod end
ward position engages FORWARD travel. Pulling
of the cylinders, keeping them free of air. FLOAT
lever into rear position engages REVERSE travel.
position may be used for lowering the bucket or
Lever is in NEUTRAL when in its central position.
back dragging.
The DOWN PRESSURE position found between
When shifting from FORWARD into REVERSE or
the HOLD and FLOAT positions by "feathering" the
vice versa, always decrease engine rpm and stop
lever. This position may be used for lowering the
machine momentarily while making the shift.
boom and bucket or to provide penetration to dig
b e l o w grade level.
Speed Range Lever is the bottom lever on steer-
ing column. This lever controls the travel speed of
Always place boom control lever in HOLD (neu-
the machine. Pushing the lever forward engages
t r a l ) position before starting or shutting down
LO (First) speed range. Pulling the lever to the
engine. This lever will lower boom and bucket even
rear engages progressively higher speed ranges in
t h o u g h engine has been shut down.
consecutive order.
Bucket Control Lever is the inner lever on right
O b s e r v e torque converter temperature gauge
hand side of operator. This lever has three posi-
when working machine. If gauge approaches
tions: CLOSE, HOLD and DUMP to control bucket op-
250 F., shift to a lower operating speed range.
eration. Since lever is connected to a spring loaded
plunger in the control valve, it returns to the HOLD
S h i f t i n g from one speed range to another can
position automatically when released.
be made at any time during the working cycle. Mo-
mentarily let up on accelerator pedal when shifting
To DUMP bucket, push lever forward. Release
t o a higher speed range, and accelerate slightly
the lever and it will return to the HOLD (neutral)
when shifting to a lower speed range.
p o s i t i o n , allowing the bucket to remain in the
DUMP position.
I t is not good driver practice to skip speed
ranges when shifting, if machine is in motion. It is
To CLOSE bucket, pull lever backward. Release
better to make progressive shifts engaging each
the lever and it will return to the HOLD (neutral)
speed range before proceeding to the next.
position when the bucket reaches a level attitude
[ 10-01-3 ]