(Every 500 Operating Hours)
5. Remove breather cap form top of torque con-
verter housing. Clean parts in solvent, blow
Grease Fittings: Lubricate all points indicated
dry with compressed air and reassemble.
on Chassis and Drive Line Lubrication Charts for
500 hour intervals. Use grade of lubricant speci-
6. Refill torque converter and transmission with
fied on lubrication charts according to ambient
fluid through transmission filler extension. Re-
fer to Drive Line Lubrication Chart for rec-
ommended fluid. Refer to Specifications and
E n g i n e and Accessories: Refer to Operation
Service Data for capacity.
and Maintenance Manual of engine manufacturer
for lubrication instructions of engine and acces-
7. Disconnect return oil cooler hose from cooler
line and direct open end into waste drum or on
ground. Securely block wheels of machine and
Torque Converter and Transmission: Drain
a p p l y parking brake.
and refill torque converter and transmission every
500 operating hours and whenever converter pump,
8. Start engine, shift speed range selector lever
t r a n s m i s s i o n or torque converter is repaired or
in HI speed range and directional shift lever in
overhauled for any reason.
F O R W A R D and maintain idle speed to force
trapped oil in torque converter and oil cooler
1. Always drain system while fluid is at operating
out through open end of return oil cooler hose.
temperature (180 F. to 200 F.). Hot oil flows
Drain sufficient fluid to insure clean fluid flow;
more freely and carries more foreign material
then shut down engine and reconnect return
with it.
oil cooler hose.
2. Remove drain plug from transmission housing
9. Restart and run engine for 5 minutes at ap-
and drain thoroughly.
proximately 1500 rpm checking filters, drain
plugs, hoses and connections for leaks.
3. Clean magnetic drain plugs and reinstall.
10. Recheck transmission fluid level when it is at
4. Replace elements in transmission and torque
operating temperature (180oF. to 200oF.).
converter filter assemblies. Thoroughly clean
Add transmission fluid as necessary to main-
filter cases and base castings before inserting
tain FULL mark on dipstick. (This check is to
new elements. Using new gaskets in base cast-
be performed with engine idling).
ings, tighten center bolts to specified torque.
See Bolt Torque Chart in rear of manual. Re-
move, clean and reinstall cooler line strainer
[ 40-05-1 ]