This will position plug slightly below centerline of
SERVICE WEEKLY (Every 50 Operating
hub. Remove plug and check level.
Grease Fittings: Lubricate all points indicated
Add lubricant until level with plug opening.
on Chassis Lubrication Chart for 50 hour intervals.
See "Every 1000 Operating Hours" for Drain and
U s e grade of lubricant specified on lubrication
charts according to ambient temperature.
Rear Axle Differential: Check lubricant level
Engine and Accessories: Refer to Operation
each 50 operating hours at the differential level
and Maintenance Manual of engine manufacturer
plug. Add lubricant until level with plug opening.
for lubrication instructions of engine and acces-
See "Every 1000 Operating Hours" for Drain and
Brake Master Cylinders: On machines
R e a r Axle Planetary Hubs: Check lubricant
e q u i p p e d with disc brakes, check and maintain
level each 50 operating hours. Rotate wheel until
fluid level to within 1/4 inch from top of master
arrow on sun gear thrust cap points downward.
cylinder reservoir. See Specifications and Service
This will position plug slightly below centerline of
Data for recommended brake fluid.
hub. Remove plug and check level.
Add lubricant until level with plug opening.
Initial Filter Change: Remove and replace all
See "Every 1000 Operating Hours" for Drain and
replaceable filter elements in the converter/trans-
mission, main and steering hydraulic systems after
the first 50 operating hours. Remove and clean
Steering Gear: Check lubricant level each 50
h y d r a u l i c reservoir suction filter and converter
operating hours. Keep reservoir filled. When add-
cooler line strainer. Subsequent filter changes may
ing lubricant, use of hand pump or gun is recom-
then be made at regular prescribed intervals.
m e n d e d to force lubricant into housing and up
through bearing, since weight of lubricant alone
Batteries: Keep terminals clean and tight, and
in filler extension is insufficient to raise level above
be sure that distilled water is added to cover plates
and separators in each cell. Do not overfill.
M i d m o u n t Bearing: Check oil level of mid-
Front Axle Differential: Check lubricant level
mount bearing assembly connecting prop shafts
each 50 operating hours at the differential level
between the transmission and front axle every 50
plug. Add lubricant until level with plug opening.
operating hours. Keep reservoir full to level plug
See "Every 1000 Operating Hours" for Drain and
opening on front face of reservoir. Add lubricant
as required through combination breather and filler
plug opening located on top of mid-mount reser-
Front Axle Planetary Hubs: Check lubricant
voir. See "Every 1000 Operating Hours" for Drain
level each 50 operating hours. Rotate wheel until
and Refill.
arrow on sun gear thrust cap points downward.
[ 40-02-1 ]