Cheek Boom to Bucket Linkage: Boom to
Complete service facilities for electrical system
bucket linkage should be checked periodically and
components are available at any authorized Delco-
adjusted whenever inspection indicates or when-
Remy or United Motors sales and service outlet.
e v e r new boom to bucket linkage parts are in-
Adjust Steering Gear: The steering gear as-
sembly consists of a manual gear of the recirculat-
ing ball type with a hydraulic control valve
Refer to Figure 43, position "A" and raise boom
mounted at the base.
to full up position and dump bucket until bucket
s t o p or stops contact boom. Adjust bucket stops
The manual gear requires two adjustments to
to no more than .125 inch, 3,2 mm, space, one stop
m a i n t a i n proper operation: (1) worn bearing ad-
to the other by grinding or welding on bucket stops.
justment, (2) overcenter or pitman shaft adjust-
ment. The worn bearing adjustment is performed
With boom in full up position, and bucket fully
only at the time the control valve is assembled to
dumped, refer to Figure 43 position "B." In this
the gear. The adjusting nut is securely staked in
position, bellcrank stops should not contact boom
place and does not require further attention.
a n d must not have more than .25 in. (6,4 mm)
T h e overcenter or pitman shaft adjustment,
however, should be periodically checked and ad-
justed to remove lash between pitman shaft gear
Inspect, Test and Lubricate Electrical Units:
and the worm gear ball nut. Adjustment is indi-
Maintenance performed on the various electrical
cated by too much free play at steering wheel be-
components usually consists of cleaning, lubricat-
fore wheels respond to turning action. Adjustment
i n g , minor testing and adjusting, and replacing
is as follows with the engine shut off.
defective or worn out parts.
1. Disconnect steering drag link from pitman arm.
c r a n k i n g motor sparingly. Excessive lubrication
2. Turn steering wheel gently from one stop all
can result in premature failure.
the way to the other stop, carefully counting the
t o t a l number of turns. Then turn wheel back
Check cranking motor operation with a substi-
exactly half way to the center position. Mark
tute battery source known to be fully charged and
wheel at top or bottom center with piece of tape.
in good condition.
3. Measure the pull at the rim of the steering wheel
required to keep the wheel in motion. Take the
highest reading of the spring scale as the wheel
and voltage regulator can usually be determined
is pulled through the center position. This pull
b y the following conditions: (1) if batteries are
can be measured by attaching a spring scale to
kept fully charged, except when under unusually
the rim of the wheel with a piece of cord, then
sever loads, and (2) if no more than the usual of
pulling on the spring scale to turn the wheel.
water is required to keep them filled.
The line of the scale should be kept tangent to
t h e rim of the wheel. The proper pull at the
wheel rim under these conditions should be 1 1/8
a c c u r a t e test meters.
to 2 lbs.
Inspect wires, cables and terminals for tight
4. Loosen locknut and turn adjusting screw clock-
connections, cleanliness and evidence of deteriora-
wise to increase pull at the wheel and counter
tion or corrosion.
c l o c k w i s e to decrease the pull. See Figure 44.
R e s e t locknut and recheck pull as it must be
within the specified limits after the locknut is
Blow out accumulated dust and dirt, and clean
exterior surfaces of all electrical units.