Preventive Maintenance
1. Check the fan drive fluid level after the unit has
been idle for at least 1/2 hour.
2. Turn the fan drive so that the inspection plug is
3/4" below the horizontal center line, then allow the
silicone fluid to drain down an additional five minutes.
3. Remove the inspection plug. If fluid begins to flow
from the inspection hole, the drive has sufficient fluid.
Replace the inspection plug.
4. If the fluid does not flow from the hole, proceed as
a. Rotate the fan drive downward and observe when
the fluid begins to flow from the hole. If it is
necessary to lower the drain hole more than
2" below the horizontal center line, the fan drive
should be removed from the engine, disassembled
and inspected f o r p o s s i b l e d a m a g e t o t h e
b. Turn the fan drive back so the inspection hole is
Item 28
3/4" below the horizontal center line and add
fluid until the overflow point is reached. Replace
Item 25
the inspection plug.
To clean either the hair or polyurethane type air
NOTE: Use only the manufacturer's Special 20
compressor air strainer element, saturate and squeeze
Cenistroke fluid.
it in fuel oil, or any other cleaning agent that would
not be detrimental to the element, until dirt free. Then
The fan drive bearing should be lubricated with a
dip it in lubricating oil and squeeze it dry before
medium consistency silicone grease (Dow Corning
placing it back in the air strainer.
N o . 44, or equivalent). The bearing is lubricated
through a grease fitting in the drive housing hub.
For replacement of the air strainer element, contact
the nearest Bendix Westinghouse dealer; replace with
the polyurethane element, if available.
Item 28
The power generator requires lubrication at only one
Item 26
point -- the ball bearing in the end frame.
There is no scheduled interval for performing an
If the bearing is oil lubricated, check the oil level in
i n s p e c t i o n on the turbocharger. As long as the
the sight gage every 300 hours; change the oil every
turbocharger is operating satisfactorily and there is no
six months. Use the same grade and viscosity heavy-
appreciable loss of power, no vibration or unusual
duty oil as specified for the engine. Maintain the oil
noise and no oil leaks, only a periodic inspection is
level to the line on the sight gage. Do not overfill. After
necessary. W h e n service is required, contact an
adding oil, recheck the oil level after running the
authorized Detroit Diesel Allison Service Outlet.
generator for several minutes.
If the bearing is grease lubricated, a new generator
Item 27
has sufficient grease for three years of normal service.
T h e r e a f t e r , it should be lubricated at one year
Check the fan drive fluid level every 75,000 to 100,000
intervals. To lubricate the bearing, remove the filler
miles (120 701 to 160 934 km) to avoid improper
and relief plugs on the side and the bottom of the
operation and damage to the drive components.
bearing reservoir. Add grease until new grease appears
at the relief plug opening. Run the generator a few
minutes to vent the excess grease; then reinstall the
The modulated fan drive has an inspection plug for
checking the fluid level.
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