Preventive Maintenance
The converter oil breather, located on the oil level
grease fittings on the front of the housing every 500
dipstick, should be cleaned each time the converter oil
is changed. This can be accomplished by allowing the
breather to soak in a solvent, then drying it with
Check the clutch facing for wear every 500 hours.
compressed air.
Adjust the clutch if necessary.
Lubricate the input clutch release bearing and ball
bearing and the front disconnect clutch drive shaft
Item 30
bearing every 50 hours with an all purpose grease.
Grease fittings are provided on the clutch housing.
Check the oil level in the Torqmatic converter and
This time interval may vary depending upon the
supply tank daily. The oil level must be checked while
operating conditions. Over-lubrication will cause
the converter is operating, the engine idling and the
grease to be thrown on the clutch facing, causing the
oil is up to operating temperature (approximately
clutch to slip.
200F or 93C). If the converter is equipped with an
input disconnect clutch, the clutch must be engaged.
The strainer (in the Torqmatic transmission) and the
hydraulic system filters should be replaced or cleaned
Check the oil level after running the unit a few
with every oil change.
minutes. The oil level should be maintained at the
proper level on the dipstick. If required, add hydraulic
transmission fluid type "C-2" (see Table 3). Do not
Item 31
over-ill the converter as too much oil will cause
foaming and high oil temperature.
The oil should be changed every 1,000 hours for Series
Check the oil level daily in the marine gear, with the
400 through 900 converters. Also, the oil should be
controls in neutral and the engine running at idle
changed whenever it shows traces of dirt or effects of
speed. Add oil as required to bring it to the proper
high operating temperature as evidenced by discolora-
level on the dipstick. Use oil of the same heavy duty
t i o n o r s t r o n g o d o r . If the oil shows metal
grade and viscosity that is used in the engine. Drain
the oil every 200 hours and flush the gear with light
A l l i s o n Service Outlet as this usually requires
engine oil.
disassembly. Under severe operating conditions, the
oil should be changed more often.
NOTE: Series 3 oil should not be used in the
marine gear.
When refilling after an oil drain, bring the oil up to
the proper level on the dipstick (approximately 6
quarts (6 litres) in the M type and 8 quarts (8 litres) in
the MH type gear). Start and run the engine at light
load for three to five minutes. Then put the controls in
neutral and run the engine at idle speed and check the
oil level again. Bring the oil level up to the proper
level on the dipstick.
Every time the marine gear oil is changed, remove the
oil strainer element, rinse it thoroughly in fuel oil, dry
it with compressed air and reinstall it. Also replace the
full-flow oil filter element every time the marine gear
oil is changed.
Check the oil level daily. Check the oil level with the
engine running at low idle speed and the gear in
neutral. Keep the oil up to the proper level on the
dipstick. Use oil of the same heavy-duty grade and
viscosity that is used in the engine.
Change the oil and the oil filter element every 1,000
Item 31
hours. After draining the oil, thoroughly clean the
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