Engine Tune-Up
Fig. 7 - Adjusting Idle Speed
tighten the outer
adjusting screw. When the settings
are correct, both
injector racks must respond in the
same manner on
the hall ends of the control levers
when the injector
control tube lever is held in the full-
fuel position.
10. Position the remaining injector rack control levers
on the right front cylinder bank as outlined in Steps 8
Fig. 8 - Adjusting Buffer Screw
and 9.
not exceed the recommended no-load speed as given
11. Adjust the remaining injector rack control levers
on the engine option plate, set the maximum no-load
on the right rear, left front and left rear cylinder
speed as outlined below.
banks in the same manner as outlined in Steps 8, 9
and IO.
Start the engine and, after it reaches normal operating
12. Install the four fuel rod-to-control tube lever clevis
determine the maximum no-load speed of the engine.
pins and check the adjustment of the injector rack
T h e n s t o p t h e e n g i n e a n d make the following
control levers.
adjustments, if required:
13. Use new gaskets and install the valve rocker covers.
1. Disconnect the booster spring and the stop lever
Adjust Maximum No-load Speed
2. Remove the variable speed spring housing and the
spring retainer from the governor housing.
All governors are properly adjusted before leaving the
factory. However, if the governor has been recondi-
tioned or replaced, and to ensure the engine speed will
3. Refer to Table 1 and determine the stops or shims
required for the desired no load speed.
Variable Speed Governor Adjustment
4. Install the variable speed spring retainer and
housing and tighten the two bolts.
Up to .325"
5. Connect the booster spring and the stop lever
spring. Start the engine and recheck the maximum no-
in shims
load speed.
`No-load speed is 150-225 rpm above full-load speed depending
6. If required, add or remove shims to obtain the
upon engine application.
necessary operating speed. For each .001" shim added,
t h e operating speed will increase approximately
1 rpm.
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