Engine Tune-Up
Install the gage so the pin extends through the
The governor (Fig. 1) on the 16V engine is mounted
connecting link, control lever and fuel rod and the
on and driven from the front end of the rear blower.
governor housing dowel pin extends into the small
After adjusting the exhaust valves and timing the fuel
hole in the gage. Then install a governor cover bolt as
injectors, adjust the governor and injector rack control
shown in Fig. 2 to lock the gage in place. With gage
J 21780 in place, the governor control link lever will
be in the mid-travel position and parallel to the
If the engine or governor has been overhauled, or the
auxiliary control link lever.
injector control linkage has been disturbed, the control
7. Adjust the length of the adjustable connecting link
link levers in the governor housing and auxiliary
control link housing must be aligned before proceed-
to retain the lever positions obtained in Steps 5 and 6
and install the link.
ing with the engine tune-up. Refer to Fig. 2 and
position the control link levers as follows:
8. Remove gages J 21779 and J 21780 and reinstall
the control link lever connecting pins.
1. Disconnect the linkage to the governor speed control
and stop levers.
9. Install the governor housing and auxiliary control
link housing covers.
2. Remove the covers from the governor housing and
auxiliary control link housing.
Proceed with the governor and injector rack control
3. Disconnect the adjustable link from the lever in the
auxiliary control link housing.
4. Remove the connecting pin from the auxiliary
Adjust Governor Gap
governor control link lever.
With the engine stopped and at normal operating
5. Install gage J 21779 so it extends through the lever
temperature, adjust the governor gap as follows:
and fuel rod and into the gage hole in the bottom of
the housing. With the gage in place, the auxiliary
1. Clean and remove the governor cover and the valve
control link lever will be in the mid-travel position.
rocker covers. Discard the gaskets.
2. Back out the buffer screw until
6. Remove the connecting pin from the control link
lever in the governor housing and install gage J 21780.
approximately 5/8" from the lock nut.
Fig. 2 - Control Link Levers In Position
Fig. 1 - Governor Mounting
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