Engine Tune-Up
NOTE: To compensate for the output shaft
CAUTION: Do not set the Torqmatic converter
speed droop, the engine no-load speed must be
o u t p u t shaft speed in excess of the speed
specified by the equipment manufacturer, to
set approximately 175 rpm above the required
prevent damage to the driven machinery.
engine full-load speed.
It will be noted during engine operation that the
Move the output shaft governor speed control lever to
the idle speed position and adjust the idle speed by
minimum droop will vary between 150 and 175 rpm. If
the droop requires adjustment, move the droop bracket
means of the minimum speed limit adjusting screw.
(inside the output shaft governor) to decrease or
The maximum fuel adjusting screw and the maximum
increase the amount of droop.
speed limit adjusting screw are not used and should be
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