Disconnect wires to sending unit and disconnect top
front hoses from transmission.
Figure 0.8
Figure 0.9
Figure 0.7
WARNING: To prevent serious injury to person-
Remove two bolts attaching filler and dipstick tube
n e l , load capacity of floor jack must be 2,000
assembly to floor plate. Then remove four bolts and
pounds minimum.
washer attaching floor plate and operator's seat to
Position floor jack under transmission and secure
cab floor; slide floor plate with seat towards front of
transmission to jack using safety chains.
Remove transmission mount attaching bolts and re-
Loosen hose clamps attaching filler and dipstick
move mounts - two on left side and one on right side
tube assembly to transmission and remove filler and
of transmission. (See Figure 0.1 also.)
dipstick tube assembly.
Lower transmission mounted on floor jack to ground
Change 2