pliers, install retainer ring (19), making sure it is
Install rubber exhaust check (38) in exhaust
locked in groove of body.
c h e c k valve seat making sure center portion is
properly snapped in place through hole in check
Install cover O-ring (26).
valve seat.
Install relay piston return spring (25).
Install check valve (38) and check valve seat (37).
Install large (24) and small (22) inner relay piston
Depress check valve seat (37) and using tru-arc
pliers, install retainer (39), checking to make sure
it is properly locked in groove of cover.
Install outer relay piston O-ring (21).
Upper Inlet and Exhaust Valve Assembly
Carefully insert inner relay piston (23) into bore
of outer relay piston (20).
Install upper rubber inlet and exhaust valve (10)
on body (11).
Assemble lower cover (27) to upper body using
Install upper valve retainer (12).
Install rubber spring (5), spring seat (4), washer
Install upper valve spring (13).
(3), and cap screw (2) on piston (6).
Place washer (14) on top of spring (13).
Install O-ring (7) on piston (6).
Install inner and outer O-rings (15, 16) on upper
Install piston return spring (8) in upper body (9).
valve O-ring retainer (17).
Depress piston assembly (40) and install piston
P l a c i n g O-ring retainer (17) on top of washer,
retainer (1).
depress spring and using tru-arc pliers, install re-
tainer (18) making sure it is locked in groove of
valve body (11).
Install upper inlet and exhaust assembly (41) in
body (9).
Perform "Operating and Leakage Tests" as out-
lined in "Service Checks" section.
Depress inlet and exhaust valve and using tru-arc