Troubleshooting Drive Line Noise and Vibration
Finding the source of noise or vibration in a
Michigan machine can sometimes be difficult be-
c a u s e there are several prop shafts in each ma-
chine. Another problem IS that noise and
vibration can be transmitted from the actual source
to another component of the drime train. For ex-
ample: a faulty transmission to rear axial prop shaft
could cause a vibration that would appear in the
rear axle. The following is a list of some of the
causes of noise and vibration:
1. Loose flange nuts or spider mounting bolts
2. Misalignment of flanges
3. Misalignment of slip joints
4. Prop shaft out of balance
2. Loose bolts on spider assembly
5. Faulty bearings in converter, transmission or
3. Obvious defects
6. Faulty differential unit
4. Misalignment of the slip joint
5. Leaking flange oil seals on the transmission and
Loose Flange Nuts or Spider Mounting Bolts
The prop shaft must be removed to check the
flange nut torque on the transmission, converter,
N O T E : Leaking seals could be an indication
midmount or axles. If the flange nut is loose,
that bearings are defective, causing movement in
torque it to specification. It IS also a good idea to
the flange.
examine the flange seals for damage at this time.
The first step in looking for a problem, is a good
S p i d e r mounting bolts can be checked while
visual inspection. Inspect each prop shaft for:
the prop shaft is on the machine. Make certain the
bolt is tight as well as the locknut on the bolt.
1. Missing balance weights on a shaft