c. Turn adjusting screw one or two notches
refer to the OPERATING RANGE listed in the
counterclockwise to lower the voltage set-
table below.
ting for an overcharged battery.
d. Replace pipe plug.
After adjusting setting, check for an improved
battery condition over a service period of
reasonable length, such as one week. If ad-
justing the setting does not correct the under-
If the voltage does not rise above the OPER-
charged or overcharged condition, replace
ATING RANGE, proceed to Part B. If the volt-
the regulator. Remember that the ideal volt-
a g e rises above the OPERATING RANGE.
a g e setting of the regulator is one which
c h e c k the long regulator lead (Fig. 5), or
will maintain the batteries in a fully charged
regulator lead (Fig. 6) for tightness. If satis-
condition with a minimum use of water. A
factory, proceed as follows.
record of water usage and battery specific
gravity checks over a service period of rea-
sonable length will establish the ideal volt-
On negative ground systems check the field
age setting for the vehicle Involved.
coil for grounds as covered in the INTEGRAL
Also remember that if the battery state of
tion. Replace the field coil if it is grounded.
charge IS low, the regulator may not be limit-
Do not replace the regulator. Also check the
i n g the voltage, and turning the adjusting
field coi1 for shorts. If the field coi1 IS shorted,
screw will show no change on the voltmeter.
replace the field coil and the regulator. If the
However, turning the adjusting screw will
field coil checks satisfactorily. replace the
change the voltage setting to a new value,
which will be indicated by the voltmeter when
the battery state of charge Increases.
If the voltage does not rise above the OPER-
ATING RANGE as covered in Part A preceding,
2. If the ampere output is not within 10 percent
increase the Integral Charging System s p e e d
of the output stamped on the name plate,
a s required (do not exceed 5000 rpm), a n d
proceed as follows
adjust the carbon pile as required to obtain
maximum current output. Observe the ammeter.
If the output IS below 5 amperes, check the
f i e l d coi1 as covered in the INTEGRAL
tion. If the field coil IS open, replace only the
1. If the ampere output is within 10 percent of
field coil. If the field coil IS grounded or
the output stamped on the name plate, but
shorted, replace both the field coil and the
consistent undercharge or overcharge is
regulator. If the field coil checks satisfac-
experienced, check the field coil for ground
torily, replace the regulator
a n d shorts as covered in the INTEGRAL
If the output is five amperes or above but
tion. If grounded replace the coil. If shorted,
not within 10 percent of the amperes out-
replace both the coi1 and regulator. If satis-
put stamped on the name plate, check the
factory, an adjustment of the voltage setting
field coil, stator and diodes, as covered in
may correct the undercharged or overcharged
t h e next section. repair as required, and
condition, as follows:
then recheck the output.
a. Remove pipe plug from Integral Charging
System. (Figure 2)
After removing the cover plate, cover and gasket
b. Turn adjusting screw one or two notches
the rectifier end frame components are exposed to
clockwise to raise the voltage setting for
view as shown in Figure 5 and Figure 6. Note care-
an undercharged battery.