To replace the drove end bearing:
3. Push against the race only to install the new
b e a r i n g to the dimension shown in Figure 9.
1. Remove shaft nut, washer. pulley, fan, slinger
To facilitate the installation. heat the end frame
and the four retainer plate bolts. then remove
in an oven to 200 to 300F (90-150C). This will
t h e rotor and bearing assembly from the end
not damage the regulator.
4. Add Delco-Remy lubricant No. 1948791 to the
2. Pull the bearing from the rotor shaft, separate
bearing well cover so it IS only three-quarters
filled. Arrange the lubricant so at least a portion
retainer plate and collar from shaft, and discard
seals in retainer plate and end frame.
will contact the bearing after assembly. Other-
wise the oil in the lubricant will not bleed to the
bearing. Press the cover into the housing.
3. Add Delco-Remy lubricant No. 1948791 so each
r e s e r v o i r between the bearing and seal after
assembly will be only three-quarters full Ar-
5. Add lubricant to the seal lip and fill the cavity
range the lubricant so at least a portion will con-
with lubricant between the rubber lip and steel
case of the seal. Install the seal with the lip
tact the bearing after reassembly. Otherwise the
towards the bearing to the dimension shown in
oil in the lubricant will not bleed to the bearing.
Figure 10.
Also add lubricant to each seal lip and fill the
cavity with lubricant between the rubber lip and
steel case of each seal. The seals must be as-
Reassembly procedures are the reverse of dis-
sembled so the seal lip is toward or next to the
assembly. Torque the shaft nut to 70-80 lb. ft. (lo-
11 kg./m.) Torque the output terminal bolt 100-
1 1 0 Inch-pounds (1.7-2 kg/cm.) when attaching
4 Lubricate collar. then install collar and retainer
plate, then press against the inner race only to
install the new bearing onto the shaft against
the collar.
After disassembly and repair magnetize the rotor
5. The remaining assembly procedure is the re-
as covered on page 162, then recheck the integral
verse of disassembly.
Charging System by making connections as shown
in Figure 4. REMEMBER-If output terminal is red,
connect this terminal and ammeter to battery posi-
To replace the rectifier end frame bearing:
tive post, and battery negative post to generator
frame. If output terminal IS black. connect this ter-
1 Pull the old inner race from the shaft, and press
minal and ammeter to battery negative post, and
the new inner race on to the dimension shown
in Figure 8.
2. Discard the old seal, and push the old bearing
IMPORTANT--Battery or batteries must be fully
out of the housing from the inside toward the
charged when making OUTPUT CHECK after
Figure 8-Inner race location
Figure 9--Bearing location
Figure 10--Seal location