TM 5-3805-258-24-1950BHYDRAULICSYSTEMSPECIFICATIONSCONTROL LEVER LINKAGE(1) Tilt control lever (lift control leverbehind tilt lever).(2) Detent for tilt back.(3) Detent for raise and float.(4) Clearance for bothrollers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 to 2.0 mm (.06to .08 in.)(5) Rod length(two rods). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224 * 1 mm (8.82f .04 in.)AdjustmentProcedure1. Rods (6) musthave correct length (5).2. Move tilt control lever (1) to the TILT position. The rollermust gointo detent (2). If the roller does not go into the detent, make rod (6)shorter.3. Move the lift control lever to the RAISE position and then to theFLOAT position. The rollermustgo into detent(3) when the leverismoved to the RAISEand the FLOAT positions. If the roller can notgo into bothdetents,adjust the length of the rod behind rod (6).4. With tilt control lever (1) in the HOLD position,push rod (7) intosolenoid(8) until it stops. Measure clearance (4).With the liftcontrol leverin the HOLD position, rollerclearance (4) is the samefor detent (3), when the rod is pushed into the lift kickout solenoid,that is behind solenoid (8).5. The adjustment for clearance (4) is madeafter the locknut againatrod (7) is loosened. Turn the rod, in the dtrection necessary, tocorrect the clearance dtmension. The adjustment procedure for thelift kickout solenoid is the same as it is for solenoid (8).2-69
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