TM 5-3805-258-24-1O P E R A T O R ’ S S T A T I O NS Y S T E M S O P E R A T I ONE L E C T R I C A L S Y S T EM(1) Main Power Relay (7N5933) 950BNS and(10) 8 Amp Circuit Breaker (3R8920)(3T376 950BNSCE and 950BSCE)This circuit breaker is for the protection of theThe main power relay sends power to most of themain power key switch. It also permits current tocircuits of the machine when the main power keyflow to the 3 Amp Circuit Breaker for the Engineswitch is turned ON.Stop Relay.(2) Start Relay (9F3099)When the main power key switch is turned to theSTART position, the start relay is activated. Thestart relay sends power to the starter solenoid whichactivates the starter motor.(3) Diode Assembly BThe purpose of the diodes in this assembly is topermit current flow in only one direction.(4) Engine Stop Relay (3T689)Power to activate this relay is sent from the PowerKey Switch. When activated, the relay will activatethe fuel shut-off solenoid. This will stop the engine.(5) Start Protect And Service Meter Relay(9G1928)The current to activate this relay is sent from theAlternator. When it is activated the relay removesthe current being supplied to the starter relay; stop-ping the engine from cranking, and supplies it to theService Meter.(6) 8 Amp Circuit Breaker (3R8920)This breaker permits the current to flow to theturn signals and flashers (attachments).(7) 3 Amp Circuit Breaker (7N1621)This circuit breaker gives protection and allowscurrent to flow to the Engine Stop Relay and the FuelShut-off Solenoid.(8)(9) 60 Amp Circuit Breaker (2V2380)Current from the main power relay is sent throughthe 60 amp circuit breaker, to the fuses and mostother circuits.3-140
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