TM 5-3805-258-24-1O P E R A T O R ’ S S T A T I ONE L E C T R I C A L S Y S T EM(1) Service MeterThe service meter is activated by the Start Protectand Service Meter Relay. It runs only when theengine is in operation. When the alternator supplies12V to the relay it will energize. The relay will thensupply the ground to the service meter, starting theservice meter.(2) Hydraulic Oil Temperature IndicatorWith the main power key switch in the ON posi-tion, the red indicator light will be on if the hydraulicoil temperature goes above 102°C (215°F). Themaster fault light will also be on.The indicator light will also be on with the mainpower key switch turned ON and the panel testswitch moved to the TEST position.(3) Coolant Temperature IndicatorWith the main power key switch in the ON posi-tion, the red indicator light will be on if the enginecoolant temperature goes above 107°C (225°F).The master fault light will also be on.The indicator light will also be on with the mainpower switch turned ON and the panel test switchmoved to the TEST position.(4) Brake Oil Pressure IndicatorWith the main power key switch in the ON posi-tion, the red indicator light will be on if the travel ofthe brake pedals is to far, indicating loss of brake oilpressure. The master fault light and fault alarm willalso be on with the engine in operation.The indicator light will also be on with the mainpower key switch turned on and the panel test switchmoved to TEST position.(5) Engine Oil Pressure IndicatorWith the main power key switch in the ON posi-tion, the red indicator light will be on.With the engine in operation, the red indicatorlight will come on if the engine oil pressure fallsbelow approximately 62 kPa (9 psi). The masterfault light and the fault alarm will also be on.The indicator light will also be on with the mainpower switch turned ON and the panel test switchmoved to the TEST position.S Y S T E M S O P E R A T I O N(6) Brake Air Pressure IndicatorWith the main power key switch in the ON posi-tion, the red indicator light will be on if the airpressure is below 448 kPa (65 psi). The master faultlight will also be on.If the air pressure falls below 448 kPa (65 psi),with the engine in operation, the red indicator, themaster fault light, and the fault alarm will turn ON.The indicator light will be on with the main powerkey switch turned ON and the panel test switchmoved to the TEST position.(7) Transmission Oil Temperature IndicatorWith the main power key switch in the ON posi-tion, the red indicator light will be on if the transmis-sion oil temperature goes above 135°C (275°F). Themaster fault light will also be on.The indicator light will be on with the main powerkey switch ON and the panel test switch turned to theTEST position.(8) Parking Brake IndicatorWith the main power key switch in the ON posi-tion, the transmission in NEUTRAL, and the park-ing brake activated (either because the parkingbrake is manually activated or because of low airpressure), the red indicator light will be on. If thetransmission lever is moved to FORWARD or RE-VERSE, the indicator light and the master faultlight will be on. With the engine in operation, thefault alarm will also be on.The indicator light will be on with the main powerkey switch ON and the panel test switch turned to theTEST position.(9) Alternator IndicatorWith the main power key switch in the ON posi-tion and the engine not in operation, the indicatorlight will be on.With the main power key switch in the ON posi-tion and the engine in operation, the indicator lightwill be OFF if the alternator makes enough voltageto activate the EMS panel.3-136
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