O P E R A T O R ’ S S T A T I ONE L E C T R I C A L S Y S T E M(10) Fuel Level IndicatorWith the main power key switch in the ON posi-tion, the red indicator light will be on if the fuel levelis down to 10% of tanks capacity (approximately onehour of operation).With the main power key switch in the ON posi-tion and the panel test switch in the TEST position,the indicator will be on.(11) Panel Test SwitchWhen the main power key switch is in the ONposition, a move of the panel test switch to the TESTposition will turn on all of the test lights on theinstrument panel. It will also activate the masterfault light and, if the engine is in operation, the faultalarm.(12) Start Aid SwitchWith the main power key switch in the ON posi-tion, the start aid solenoid will be activated when theswitch is pushed.NOTE: There is a temperature switch in the circuitalso, so that ether (the start aid) can not be put in theengine if the engine temperature goes above 38°C(100°F).(13) OFF-ON-START Switch(Main Power Key Switch)When the switch is in the ON position, the mainpower relay is activated and power is supplied to allof the vehicle’s circuits.When the switch is turned to the START position,the starter motor is activated.When the switch is turned to the OFF position, allof the vehicle circuits are OFF. (NOTE: The mainpower relay will stay activated with the switch turnedOFF if the engine is still in operation. )TM 5-3805-258-24-1S Y S T E M S O P E R A T I O N(14 ) Auxiliary Switch (Spare)This switch is alsoother attachments.(15) Running Lightsa spare and can be used forSwitchThis is a three-position switch; an OFF position(LEFT) and two ON positions. When the switch ismoved to the MIDDLE position with the main keyswitch turned ON, the instrument panel lights andtail lights are turned ON, also voltage is supplied tothe REAR FLOOD light switch. When the switch ismoved to the RIGHT position, the instrument panellights, in addition to the front flood and tail lights,are turned ON, also still supplying voltage to theREAR FLOOD light switch.(16) Flood Light SwitchThis is an ON-OFF switch that controls the rearflood lights when the main power key switch isturned ON, and the RUNNING LIGHT switch is inthe MIDDLE or RIGHT position..(17) Auxiliary Flood Light SwitchThis is an ON-OFF switch that controls the at-tachment flood lights on the ROPS or cab when themain key switch is turned ON.(18) Auxiliary Switch (Spare)This switch is a spare and can be used for a rotat-ing beacon or other attachment.3-137
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