SYSTEMS OPERATIONTM 5-3805-258-24-1OPERATOR’S STATtONINDIVIDUAL ClRCUIT DESCRIPTIONOPERATOR PANEL1. Indicator OnlyA. Low Fuel LevelThis circuit uses a 7N5389 Magnetic Float Switch. When the level of the fuel ishigh, the switch is closed. When the level of the fuel becomes low (1070 or less),the switch opens (normally open) and the fuel level indicator on the operatorpanel turns ON. The operation of the switch can be made opposite by theinstallation of the float on the switch, upside down. The float has marks to showwhich position causes which switch operation. The circuit connects to Pin 14 ofthe operator panel.FUEL LEVEL SWITCH1. Fuel level switch.FUEL LEVEL INDICATOR2. Fuel level indicator.Fuel Level Circuit3-150
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