TM 5-3805-258-24-1S Y S T E M S O P E R A T I O NO P E R A T O R ’ S S T A T I ONI N D I V I D U A L C I R C U I T D E S C R I P T I ONB. AlternatorThis circuit has a connection from the “R” terminal of the alternator toPin 3 of the operator panel. When the main key switch is in the ONposition but the engine is not running, the alternator indicator on theoperator panel will be ON.The “R” terminal is also connected to the service meter relay. This willenergize when the engine is running and not allow the engine start relay toenergize when the key start switch is turned ON, causing possible damageto the starter motor.When the engine is running, the alternator indicator will be OFF if thealternator output is high enough.A L T E R N A T O R1. Alternator.A L T E R N A T O R I N D I C A T O R2. Alternator indicator.A l t e r n a t o r O u t p u t C i r c u it3-151
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